This is my blog, enjoy reading the thoughts in my head!


The Death of Me

The death of me The death of me, The death of my life. I take my last breaths, In this hazy night. I reme...

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Cows or Chicken?

Have you seen the chick fil'a commercial, where the cow is saying thank you for choosing chicken over cows. well sadly....last night i was overcome by my beastly urges and i ate a cow.....O.O...... oh I mean part of a co...

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Why Sponge Bob has Square pants O.O

Spongebob.....i despise him, with his obnoxious laugh, and his total obliviousness. he makes me wonder, Why does he have square pants?! I get the whole i'm a sponge thing, but sponges that live in the ocean arent really ...

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Chibis + twinkies, sitting in a tree.....

We all agree that chibis are cute, right. and we all know twinkies are evil. My point is, have you ever wondered what would happen if the two joined? Twinkies with their evil ways, corrupting a poor chibi. lolz okay that...

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Souls insight on " The World"

has anyone ever wondered how we got here? on this planet, earth....who named our planet? and why is it that it seems like earth is the only inhabitable planet in the solar system? these are all questions that i have pond...

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