
this a intro to some Blog(LIES)
this is a opinionated BLog(true BUT LIES)
this is just plain crazy things

This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

hehe, my current love >w<

la la la la la la la la la
this is the world about my life, if you don't wanna here about my life

Go Check out another one of my worlds
My fiction world
Book and Anime world *caution spoilers a lurk here*

You can start but if you talk about my worlds in a bad way, your on my REVENGE DIARY!!!

so this is about the good, the bad, the funny and life

....I dunno why dunt i have some mad love for this game as you can see by the themed world

the past videos posted up here


my friend(twilight luna)(purplekittyartist couldn't come) and me had a sleepover at my house
I finally found a good place to buy pocky from(where i live some places don't have good stuff in the stores)(but walmart had chocolate and strawberry flavored)(strawberry is an awesome flavor)
the sleepover was awesome (we would've had a second person but she didn't even call to say that she wouldn't come
and my other friend purplekittyartist was at a wedding rehersal

my friend and me watched the wicker man (i've seen it but i missed someparts--begining-- it was so freaky even though i seen it about 3 times
i fell asleep and my friend video taped me sleeping
see said she might put it on youtube(.......I not telling you what her username on youtube is--that video is just alittle embrassing--)
we watched ultra manic *I've red the manga*

and enter my contest

raaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddddddooooooommmmmmmm questiooooonnnnnnnnnssssssss

it is now time for another segment I call Random Question
now for the first question
1)does Gerard Way seems Oralando Bloomish(I'm not asking this question my friend said this and I almost killed him for saying this)
2)does drinking red bull, really give you wings?
3)if you see a cat with a around it's neck with 2 $100 dollarbills hanging out, what would you do?
4)my friends said my poems for english are really good, want read some?
5)should I tell one of my friends off, for ditching me for about the whole ninth grade?
6)isn't viva Rock: By Orange Range an awesome song(the third naruto ending)
7)what happens in fruits basket, the manga

I'm not sure how this video looks because my computer it isn't good(the worst video playing computer) with playing videos so comment on it


I'm thinking about deleteing (or changing it) my astrology world
why? because I can't really post anything on it
so yeah vote for what I should change it to:

  • 1)a Q&A thing
    2)a fandom about music
    3)an update about what drawings I'm going to add
    4)Rads about stuff
    5)what are the best manga
    6)make a contest
    7)random character designs
    8)story ideas

only you can decide what happens to this world

midiri days

so happy *does pengiun dance*
i got the midori days theme song
Sentemental by CooRie
I can't stop listening to it

but, i like the manga better than the anime
there were more characters and kota loved seiji and he got forced into girls clothes for shool girls to enjoy and a make over(at least 4 times and seiji thought kota was really cute) and he wasn't some wip who got beat up or kidnapped all the time(sort of at least he tryed to fight back)
and seiji wasn't the only character who was the tough guy
there were some cool manga characters like Nao (who was cut out)
the anime cut too much out and it was too short(15 episodes) and the manga
(8 volumes) but the fillers in the anime were funny
