
this a intro to some Blog(LIES)
this is a opinionated BLog(true BUT LIES)
this is just plain crazy things

This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

hehe, my current love >w<

la la la la la la la la la
this is the world about my life, if you don't wanna here about my life

Go Check out another one of my worlds
My fiction world
Book and Anime world *caution spoilers a lurk here*

You can start but if you talk about my worlds in a bad way, your on my REVENGE DIARY!!!

so this is about the good, the bad, the funny and life

....I dunno why dunt i have some mad love for this game as you can see by the themed world

the past videos posted up here

raaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddddddooooooommmmmmmm questiooooonnnnnnnnnssssssss

it is now time for another segment I call Random Question
now for the first question
1)does Gerard Way seems Oralando Bloomish(I'm not asking this question my friend said this and I almost killed him for saying this)
2)does drinking red bull, really give you wings?
3)if you see a cat with a around it's neck with 2 $100 dollarbills hanging out, what would you do?
4)my friends said my poems for english are really good, want read some?
5)should I tell one of my friends off, for ditching me for about the whole ninth grade?
6)isn't viva Rock: By Orange Range an awesome song(the third naruto ending)
7)what happens in fruits basket, the manga

I'm not sure how this video looks because my computer it isn't good(the worst video playing computer) with playing videos so comment on it

sweet dreams and memories FOREVER

*sings Jubei-chan theme)*i love that show*
I passed my FINALS (I'M not sure about english but I only got 3 questions wrong on the other questions besides the Essays)
Algebra I got a 80 (WHOO NO summer school for Neko-chan)
World Civ I got a 85 (i always do good in world civ, anyway...)
Biology I got a 75 (i didn't study for it so I was hoping to get a half decent grade so It wouldn't pull my grade do to a D or something)
this picture describes my emotions now
the begining of summer starts TOMORROW *I have to make confetti for throwing at people*


I fell on my way to Law (yes I take law and I have an A+) in school (well not really)
---real version---
I was talking to my friends (Da group)(twilight luna, Dan the manic, fat pat, and crazy katie) and my friend monia (she's a normal person unlike me(a lunitic who's always doing or saying something crazy))
grabs my bookbag and starts pulling me to Law (and I start screaming "help me I'm being kidnaped") my friend pat grabs my arm and starts pulling me, so it was sorta a fight for which way i go
and I scream "let go of my arm your cutting off the circuliation in my arm"
and my friend pat let's go and (moncia is still pulling my bag) guess what!

I fall back (my book bag cushioned my fall) my bangs were so messed up (i almosthit the ground) I got up and started laughing
it was so funny if you think about it
(and people were around)
I wasn't really embrassed about it at all

how naruto looks is how I sorta looked

so scary

I was so scared
my area isn't a Tornado area
but last night.......
the wind picked up and it started the there was thunder and lighting

and the lighting was flashing more

but it stoped after an hour but I was so so so scared

next day(today) someone said a Tornado start yesterday

but I think it didn't touch the ground so I was happy
and my project that i procastanated on was extened because most people had they're electric out

I'm mad

lesson learned
keep an eye on a person when they're looking through you privite stuff(like a drawing book, yearbook, notebook, and stuff)
I let two seventh grades see my drawing book and my notebook
and i was watching them so I just look over after a while they just started handing me papers out of my Drawing book and they said they were CLEANING IT OUT

nEXT WEEK(today)
YAY Year books
*runs to random person*
sign my yearbook!!!!!!!!!!
(random person)"who the hell are you"

I asked people to sign my year book and i asked them to sign and they start making comments(or hearts) on every page and most of they were about other seventh graders
which sucks and I don't like those two
seventh graders aren't as innocent as last years bunch or the year i was in 7TH
(but the Nineth graders were pervents when I was in 7TH)
and also I have nothing against seventh graders (except the annoying ones in my school)

Vote about The astrology world (I don't have enough votes to change it)