
this a intro to some Blog(LIES)
this is a opinionated BLog(true BUT LIES)
this is just plain crazy things

This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

hehe, my current love >w<

la la la la la la la la la
this is the world about my life, if you don't wanna here about my life

Go Check out another one of my worlds
My fiction world
Book and Anime world *caution spoilers a lurk here*

You can start but if you talk about my worlds in a bad way, your on my REVENGE DIARY!!!

so this is about the good, the bad, the funny and life

....I dunno why dunt i have some mad love for this game as you can see by the themed world

the past videos posted up here

mal trip! FUN FUN XD

i went to the mall with my friends!
OtakuDoll, Purplekittyartist (I FINALLY HUNG OUT WITH HER GOD ITS BEEN SO LONG!!), Mercedes, Andy and mercede's friend Dana

it was soo fun! i mean we went to stores and hung out and acted like idiots
true teenage way XD

we went to the Bookstore in the mall and i got Hot Gimmick the second Three in One volume(i'd get the single ones but i can't find volume 5 or the other volumes. so i gave up on getting the single volumes)
good manga XD i think i did a review yeah no i didnt XD i need to do that
if you like different shojo manga that isnt like "Oh we meet we date we have trials and troubles. but we end up together"
"i like this guy and i have to get him to like me!" starts long random getting old love story stuff
this manga is really good and i might do a review after this

but I got a cookie >w< soo DELICIOUS!!

and then we went to Gamestop......im a teenager i can look but THE CASHIER WAS SO CUTE >w<
he was really nice! and i got Blazblue for the PSP it was on sell for 19.98 ten dollars off! >D and they had a Trade in-bonus
so i traded in Billy and mandy, sims 2, URBZ, and Lizzie Mcguire 2(SOME OF THIS GAMES WERE FROM MY CHILDHOOD!!!)
so yeah good discount! 14.82 worth trade-ins! but thats nothing to my pocket pull out and my buy two get one three Buy
---flash back time!---
Cooking mama, Super Princess peach, Donkey kong 2, and Pokemon dungeon red.
thats a 23 dollars price.....i almost died when i heard that XD...well i mentally died after i ran back to the PSP section and raided the used game section and skipping merrily back to where my mom and sister were to tell them in an excited way xDDD
so i got BlazBlue and a Giftcard for tomorrows party
TIME TO PWN EVERYONE IN SOULCALIBER!!>> .....okay not for sure Pwnage because i cant play as my good character -____- i promised not to....

yeah so imma stay out the water with someothers and play EXTREME ROCK, PAPER , SCISSORS!! YEAH CAUSE WE BOSSES!! XD not really probably talk, draw, listen to music and sing made up songs to who ever brings their guitar

but umm back to mall day time
best moment through the whole mall trip was when we were gonna meet my friend Mercedes and her friend, Cedes/mercede as usually hugs us all and i tell her how the Cashier at Gamestop was cute

so they walk by to see
Cedes walks on and was like "OHHH WOW OH WOW HE IS !!"
and Cedes friend walks in and tries talking to him, then Cedes goes in after her.....
the rest of us are standing out of View of the gamestop waiting...
5 minutes tops
they come out alittle pissed XDD he said something to Cede's friend and well
i laughed. after she said he wasnt that cute up close translation for "that jerk i hate him"

and after that we just hung out.

but tomorrow ive gotta charge my ipod and other things so im ready for TABLE SITTING TIME NEAR A POOL!! and kicking time so i can kick some random civilian in XD
no im not kidding i will do that. imma try and get some pictures too.
im gonna read some Hot gimmick so Jee nee everybody
External Image
or this
External Image
this will be how our party will be like except with a pool and DELICIOUS CAKE!! XD

Daddy ... It hurts'

from Miracle star19
i almost cried during this =<

Dear God... I'm still crying...

My name is Chris,
I am three,
My eyes are swollen..
I cannot see.

I must be stupid,
I must be bad,
What else could have made,
My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better,
I wish I weren't ugly,
Then maybe my mommy,
Would still want to hug me.

I can't do a wrong,
I can't speak at all,
Or else I'm locked up,
All day long.

When I'm awake,
I'm all alone,
The house is dark,
My folks aren't home.

When my mommy does come home,
I'll try and be nice,
So maybe I'll just get,
One whipping tonight.

I just heard a car,
My daddy is back,
From Charlie's bar

I hear him curse,
My name is called,
I press myself,
Against the wall.

I try to hide,
From his evil eyes,
I'm so afraid now,
I'm starting to cry.

He finds me weeping,
Calls me ugly words,
He says its my fault,
He suffers at work.

He slaps and hits me,
And yells at me more,
I finally get free,
And run to the door.

He's already locked it,
And I start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me,
Against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor,
With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues,
With more bad words spoken.

'I'm sorry!', I scream,
But it's now much to late,
His face has been twisted,
Into a unimaginable shape.

The hurt and the pain,
Again and again,
Oh please God,
have mercy!
Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops,
And heads for the door,
While I lay there motionless,
Sprawled on the floor.

My name is Chris,
I am three,
Tonight my daddy,
Murdered me.

And you can help,
Sickens me to the soul,
If you read this,
And don't pass it on

I pray for your forgiveness,
You would have to be,
One heartless person,
Not to be affected,
By this Poem.

And because you ARE affected,
Do something about it!
So all I ask you to do,
Is pass this on!

Post this as 'Daddy ... It hurts'

If you do not send this to everyone you know
Then you obviously don't care about child abuse

post for no reason

hmm im slightly idk
i feel like posting a blog but i've got nothing to post about

umm i got my Schedule last week?
this year is promising to be fun
i've got lunch with Luna, her bf Dennis, our friends Mercedes and Ale(short of Alejandro)
and well
im already im imagining how this will go

Dennis will be sitting there in music mode and then Ale ruins it by glomping him in a Pedoish way(cause Ale is 6'something) then Luna will go into pissed off girl mode and glare Ale down til he stops OR kill him right there on the spot XD.
.___. and then Mercedes and i will go into WTF mode or go into "totally ignoring you girlly girl conversation" mode

alotta modes but most of the school year i will be in "OMYGOD FEED ME PLEASE" mode
and im slightly hoping my friend Ted DOES NOT have my lunch or
it'll be this way

Ted in happy Ashleys/Naru here to annoy mode, and the Carl/Carolyn and Denis will be in lets aww how they fight like a married couple mode
and Ale will be in WTF mode and Mercedes will be in imma sit back and laugh at them mood

.___. but i've got my Favorite Spanish Teacher for the second year(i would have switched SO FAST!! YOU DUNT EVEN KNOW!!)
i've actually have friends in my classes so im extra glad for that
and i dunt have Gym EARLY AS FUCKIN SHIT(cussing appropriate yes!) i ABSOLUTLY HATED HAVING IT FIRST PERIOD!!
THE GRASS WAS ALWAYS WET!! and our teachers were SOO STUPID!! so they made us walk/play in the field hockey field MORE WET GRASS
and it was cold....
this year ive got it last period so im so happy!!
and i dunt have to take Science classes
so Psychology and Apparel Design FTW
next semester i have Design and i forget wut else i signed up for
so im really glad!
this year imma try for a bf this year .___.
thats wut i said last year but im GONNA TRY FOR ONE!! .__.
imma ask the Matchmaker of the Posse (my group of Friends)

so yeah fun year hopefully

bai bai minna-san

because i have no life xD and im stuck in the house all day sometimes

i cried through this DX

stolen from Anny Blossom
its really sad

Month one

I am only 8 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two

today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three

You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.

Month Four

my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.

Month Five

You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?

Month Six

I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!

Month Seven

I am okay.
I am in an angel's arms.
She is holding me.
She told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me Mommy?

Every Abortion Is Just . . .

One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

If you're against abortion, re-post this

serebii.com: new pokemon o.o/pokerant

.___. dude they need to get rid of Ash Ketchem ...... Im guessing hes 16(each region, year plus) but he could be 23 .__. how....i mean they get rid of Brock....and not Ash? but aside from that WHAT LEVEL ...

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