ODST Mission 1 Part 1 of 2

There’s been some “trouble” with the fiction soooo im making a short story within the Halo video games and books. If your not familiar with the Halo storyline there’s not much important stuff except for several things: 1. This is set...

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Im sorry

I'm sorry for not posting for about 5 months now... i think... but I've been busy with football, school, my laziness, and the guy who was suppose to get it posted. I hope to get the next one out tomorrow its long... kinda. So yes I'm terrible person and I'm sorry.

Death Note ending

Now i know most of you have finished the Death Note in the manga or the Japanese dub but just to let you know that the english dub ends tonight. Anyway i should get the next Yowai part up in a few days. I'm going to try to get one up every week. Q. Would you guys like to have more then 2 characters stories?

Yowai pt.3

Yowai Age: 13 Stats: beaten al most every day hair: rainbow eyes: rainbow.
Yowai ran from the shop manager he'd stolen food from. "Hey you stop! I promise that I won't hurt you in anyway, shape, or form!" The shop manager yelled at him. "Yeah right!" Yowai yelled back. "Damn get back here kid!" The manager yelled. Then the shopkeeper suddenly was upon Yowai out of nowhere. " Heh keep doing this and your going to end up dead." The manager said as he punched him in the stomach. He beat him for a few moments and then left him lying there. "I can't move." Yowai thought. " Why did death have to be this way?" Then he was unconscious.
Yowai awoke a few hours later in the dark alleyway. When he remembered the events from a few hours ago ." Crap, I wish I was older or stronger!" He yelled as he got up and started looking through the garbage for some food people had thrown away ,but it was it was not often that you found food in the 10th most run down Rukongai in the Soul Society. "Ha, I'll die before I turn 15!" He Thought. " Wait how old am I now ..... I can't ...... wait 13 that’s right!" Remembering barely.
After an hour he found a few scraps of cabbage, 2 soul candies, and a um ..... " What's this?" He thought. It was a white rectangle with a circle in the on the right side of the rectangle. It had some markings on it
"Hey kid hicup!" A shinigami with a zanpakuto at his side and a bottle of sake* in his right hand walked towards him swaying from side to side. "What youu doing’en out hicup out side thiss time anight?!" He said. "He's obviously drunk gonna have to run." Yowai thought. He turned put the strange white rectangle in his pocket and ran. "Where ya goin?"
He said then step forward and was right in front of Yowai.He grabbed Yowai by the neck with his right arm.
He was panting heavily. " Youz made pant mez use my pant flashy step,"
he said as pulled back his left arm."for that you pant die!" For the moment he was punched in the face he thought he was going to die, but then Yowai noticed the zanpakuto at the shinigami's side. He knew the only way out of this was the zanpakuto so he grabbed the zanpakuto out of the sheath ,and used all his strength to stab in to the shinigami's ribs. "You brat aahh." He gasped as he fell down and let go of Yowai. He looked dead but his chest was still heaving up and down.
Yowai never knew how far or how long he ran but he ran with the bloody zanpakuto in his hands. When it was about noon he stopped. He stopped and sat down. He didn't want to think about the zanpakuto in his hands. So he sat it down besides him. He took out the strange white rectangle and saw that it had a little hole on the top of it that looked like something went in it. He picked up a little twig and stuck it in the hole ......
nothing happened.
He tried to press the circle and a light came on. He knew there was some type of part that was missing so he put in his pocket for later. He thought what the missing part could be but nothing came to mind that was reasonable enough object that would fit. Then there was a russell in the bushes and an old man stepped out.
To be continued ...

*Sake: A Japanese alcoholic drink made from rice.

Yowai pt.2

I watched Tat walk out till she was outside and out of sight. " Sir! its time to get back to work NOW!" Chi said loudly. "Right ... lets go." I said as i walked upstairs. I thought i needed a break so i got out my smoke bombs that i got from Nemu and activated them. " I'll be back in a hour, Chi." as I walked in to the smoke. " Stop captain this is the 4th time these last 2 months!" Chi yelled at me as she bumped in to the wall hard ,and would probably be out for the next few hours.

I went threw the secret door Nemu also made for me since she was now the captain of the 12th division. She had been the captain since Kurotsuchi was killed by somebody in the division ... I know who it is but I'm not telling he deserved it so nobody really cared. Because he started to kidnap people and do experiments on them. Anyway so i walked into the room that was a size of a tennis court so i can have peace and train. This time i came to talk to my zanpaktou.

"Mtoto!" I said as I laid my sword on the floor. Then a about 8 year old kid jumped out of the sword. He had blond hair with green eyes and was wearing jeans, a T-shirt that said "I'll kick your butt if you say I'm a blond", and a pair of Crocs. "Hey weaklying how's it going?" Mtoto said. " Don't call me that!" I said as i hit him on the head." I have the right to call you that since you use me to fight all the time!" He said as he rubbed his head. "Well you should have saw that coming after all this time you've known me." I said. " Yeah i remember thats when everybody called you a weaklying and beat you up because of you hair*, eyes*, and name^." He said smiling.
"Well, then i killed the drunk shinigami took his zanpaktou and met you," I continued on saying " I got stronger, found out i loved fighting, went to school, climbed up the ladder to the be one of strongest captains ever."

*his hair and eyes color is rainbow sorry for not telling you guys. ^ his name translated from japanese to english is weak.
We do not own Bleach, the illustrations, or the characters.