Hiya, I'm Ruth and I like anime. That's the short introduction. For the extended Intro click here!
There will be spoilers in a lot of posts. Beware.

Yakitate!! Japan episodes 48 & 49 T.T

ep. 48
Pierrot was playing mind games with Kawachi. He turned into a midget named Conan and pestered Kawachi about how his name was not Conan. Long story short, Kawachi yells "Kodaimai miso!" and Conan turns back into Pierrot. He gets dizzy and spins around to reveal a dagger thrust into his back. As Kawachi held him in his arms, and after another play on words having to do with "Victor, Me, and Ed" Kawachi realized that he had made the victory bread. An ambulance takes him away.

ep. 49
Old... I mean Mister Pierrot nearly dies in this episode. But his long lost father, who is coincidentally the king of Monaco, gives him a blood transfusion. Pierrot has Bombay blood, which means that he can't receive any blood from any other blood type. Bombay blood is very rare, and is possessed by only hundreds of people around the world. The king of Monaco turns out to have this rare type of blood. He gave Pierrot enough of his own blood so that the king would die and Pierrot would live.

They met in heaven and discovered that they were father and son. Pierrot disappears from heaven and returns to earth saddened because he didn't have much of a chance to get to know his father. Azuma pledges to make him Japan #44, good enough to send someone to heaven. But there's a twist. Azuma is missing a key ingredient so he needs to find an even better substitute in order to go to heaven.

I had no idea that Yakitate!! Japan would get so sad... T.T

I rarely cry during sad parts in anime. The last anime that made me cry was AIR. And it wasn't even during the saddest part. (The ending, of course)

Hopefully I'll be making more posts soon.

