Bounty hunters and new comers

I heard blasts and knew the bounty hunters were coming towards here. I picked one moe oran berry off the bush and satrted rushing off towards my home. If they came remotly near my home I'd freeze them though I knew that wasn't exactly the brightest idea. I sighed as I jumped in the trees to my home. I was about to move into the main valley when I heard a crash and someone talking.
"Guys, I think we found our hideout" someone said. I peered through the tree leaves and saw a few gijinka's. I heard some gijinnka's nearby talking about the new comers and they seemed to notice too.
"Who's there? Show yourself coward! I'm up for another fight." The same gijinka as the one that talked before the lopunny, said. I jumped from the branch I was sitting on and growled.
"I'm no coward! I'm Grace" I told them feircly. "Why are you here anyway?" I asked. I put one of the oran berries from my basket in my mouth. "I was on my way home but if you want to figh it will be my pleasure" I smirked.
~Grace the Glaceon
