Sheek the shinx

Pokemon: Shinx

Name: Sheek

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 128 lbs

Held item: none yet

Attacks: Protect, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Thief

Personality: Slightly impish and curious. She's pretty much a loner, so she
doesn't have any friends as of now. She loves to make electrically-run appliances malfunction, and sometimes even shuts down power plants by absorbing the electricity. Another thing about her is that she loves stars. Even she does not know why they fascinate her so. She figures that it is because the stars have the ability to shine on their own for hundreds and thousands of years.

Likes: STARSSS, anything electric, thunderstorms, stealing from people by using her move Thief, battling high-level Pokemon, causing mischief, sweets.

Dislikes: Starless nights, jerks, Ground type Pokemon, and other stuff.

Fears: If all the stars in the night sky were to die out

Weakness: Ground type Pokemon

strengths: Her electric attacks are doubled against Flying and Water types. Also Attack and Speed.

Outfit: Blue T-shirt that comes halfway down her belly and has a yellow star on her right boob (lol), dark grey tight-fitting skirt with a black belt that comes 2/3 of the way to her knees, shin-length back leather boots, yellow fingerless gloves.

Looks: Slightly tanned, elbow-length blue hair with bangs that flip outward, yellow eyes, and, of course, a Shinx's tail and ears.

(( Thyme Girl's Sheek..... ACCEPTED!! ))
