Aire the Dragonair

Name: Aire

Pokemon: Dragonair

Age: 16

Gender: female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 80 lbs

Held item: Dragon Scale

Attacks: Dragon Rage, Twister, Aqua Tail and Slam

Personality: She is quite. When you can get her to break her shell you'll realize that she has a beautiful personality. She is sweet and tends to be easy going. She is very quick tempered.

Likes: Big bodies of water, flying, exploring, very dark and starry nights,
twilight, cresents moons, nature and oran berries

Dislikes: Other dragons, new moons, dark creepy places, being on the ground for very long, poke'mon with bad additudes, poke'balls

Fears: Of being captured by a trainer and being trapped.

Weaknesses: Dragon attacks, a quick temper

Strengths: Dragon attacks, Flight, A quick temper

Outfit: An aqua blue pleated skirt, tube top with a long flowing white ribbon on the back that is seven ft long. She has long leg warmers. She wears a head band that has wings on them that are white. She wears no shoes and has chocker on her neck that has small white wings coming out of the back. She also wears blue "pearls" on her wirsts and ankels. She wears three "pearls" around her neck.

Looks: Long flowing aqua blue hair with the ocassional white streak. Big Aqua blue eyes, pale skinned

(( Deastiny Lost's Aire, ACCEPTED!! ))
