Estelle The Espeon

Pokemon: Espeon

Name: Estelle

Age: 14

Gender: female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 100 lbs

Held item: None yet

Attacks: Psybeam, confusion, Quick attack, and Future Sight

Personality: She's kind towards her friends but when it comes down to strangers, she gives them strange looks. With trust, she's the most trust worthy but when it comes down to her trusting you, it takes alot of work. Estelle is very smart in confident in battles but do not like to fight. She works hard to keep her friends out of danger.

Likes: Sweets, singing, books, berries, her friends, sunny days, training

Dislikes: Bounty hunters, seeing her friends hurt, Losing battles, sour berries

Fears: Being captured...

Weaknesses: Bug pokemon, ghost pokemon, dark pokemon

Strengths: Fighting pokemon, Psychic pokemon, in her own habitat (( anywhere except for hot places ))

Outfit: A lavender dress made with fine silk and ruffles, dress shoes, long socks, ruffled belt, arm warmers, and a hair bow.

Looks: Red dot on her forehead. Tail with two ends.

(( Naomi Bear's Estelle, ACCEPTED!! ))
