*Secretly Sneaks In* ^__^'''''''

Hey guys..... It's Nellie.
Umm, how's it going..?

Okay okay, I KNOW I was gone for a long time.
& I know some of y'all are mad at me..
Maybe some are even annoyed?
Or some are probably wondering "Who the hell is this girl?" ._____.
But I've been reading the stories for hours now. Trying to catch up & trying to see what happened since I was gone.
& there have been a fight between Abs & Tanner, I suppose. I couldn't catch why, though. What happened? & who was the beast? Aberius??

But now everything is back to normal, right?
And I thank you all for keeping Lupe in the story. Arigato Gosaimasu! (Did I say that right?)

But yes... A million of apologies from me does not even come close to letting you all know how sorry I am... I can tell you what's been going on with ME (which is A LOT .___-) but.. I'm not sure if you want to hear all that drama and my personal problems.

I can't promise you that I am back for good, but I can tell you that my laziness is starting to cease rapidly. :D

& there is a Gender Bender challenge? Kitty-san, may I participate? Haven't touched a pencil and pad in a while... but I'll try a million times to draw the perfect picture! Also, reading alot of books the past months has inspired me to continue on with the storyline as LUPE THE LOPUNNY. I'll start as soon as I got all the information I need to know about what's going on. Can you guys help me out & encourage me? I really do need you guys to help me retain my "otakuness"... before it's gone for good.... *tear* :(


Random cute picture! XD
