Stolen Gijinka

This actually is not a story post which I bet many of you thought it was, no actually one of our gijinkas was stolen for another site in a RP. Sadly when did some digging, it turned out that it was one of my very own Xio my Dark Luxray. Okay I know many of you would say because he was evil he would do that, but let me state that Xio is very loyal to the group he is with, since he believes he is better, everyone else is there as his servants and such. Besides, he isn't that big of a jerk to do that. *hugs Xio*

Xio: I didn't abandon you, honest, I just can't believe someone would do that still...*rubs head* Tch, lousy trashes can't even make up there own character.

Me: Agreed, I honestly can't believe someone would steal another RP character and try to pass it as there own. The only difference between their RP and mine is the personality and background which were both not hardly even thought out. I'm sorry but Xio is not a happy go lucky person and a class clown! Dx That's not him at all, his style fits a bad ass, not a goof.

Next his background was....gah I don't even like it...He is from a village of highly trained lions that specialize in electric combat. That's fine and dandy but that's it? Really? But what tops it off is that they even made Xio...bisexual...

Xio: o_O; *annoyed look and cracks his fists*

Me: This may be funny but seriously its not right. I reported the person on the site and it seems things are being deleted but I am keeping an I out on this so called forum because supposely there are a few gijinkas that are the same species from this club so if they turn up to be any of yours i will keep you updated....*hugs Xio*....You are so great the way you are....

Xio: *speechless*....tch....

Lux: *in a corner of woe without any attention*
