Beautiful and Horrible Twisted Together


Featured in post: Shupple, Lux, Shift, Mia, Dust, and mention of Arc

Time: About midday

As I tried on clothes, Lux gave me the best response he could. In my honest opinion, I actually really liked the dresses but apparently in his face, he didn’t like them. He was being as polite as he could, that I tell, but I knew he didn’t… exactly like my choices, but I still really wanted to know Lux’s opinion.

Once Lux handed me an outfit that was practically all zippers, which was actually really cute, I went into the changing room, thankfully without that prissy Mia, who I had to really admit she was so annoying, especially when she made me change into the ugly pink, frilly dress; she had to be a real bitch about it. God, how I just wanted to rip those ears off of her head…

Trying to figure out the outfit in general, I slipped off my jacket and put it up on a hook and looked at the top and figured just to unzip the middle one but then I realized I had to do all of them. Well, this was a complicated outfit but I really did like it… So I slipped it on over my gray tank top and zipped it up as best as I could and then looked how it went. It went to about my elbows with sleeves and the end of the shirt ended just above my bellybutton. I then looked at the skirt and slipped it on after I took off my other skirt and looked at the outfit on me in the mirror. It was actually really cute… I wondered how the boots looked with it… I slipped on the boots and really liked them with the outfit… I wondered what Lux thought…

“Umm Lux….” I popped my head out of the dressing room door and looked at Lux. “What do you think?” I asked him as I walked out of the dressing room and waited for a reaction. His mouth just gaped instead and so did Mia’s.

“I don’t know if that’s bad or not…” I left off and Lux just stammered and Mia just got up from his lap, whatever she was doing on there, and walked over to me and looked me over and walked around me, prowling.

“It’s not too… bad but not too… good either. It’s-”

“HOT!”I stared at Lux and he cleared his throat. “I mean… um… it’s fantastic on you, Shupple,” Lux corrected himself and I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Excuse me, but it doesn’t. It clashes with her complexion almost immediately. I mean, who would ever go for that ugly, trash makeup? You just want to be noticed. That’s all the little Goths want. Attention. Why don’t you just go back into that corner of yours?”

I knew the perfect move, especially since I had just learned it.

“Trick Room,” I whispered and immediately, the lights turned off and the whole store turned black and only one light appeared on above my head on the ceiling. I moved throughout the small area I was in, floating around Mia, making her scared. That was one of the many things I liked to do. Scare and freak people out. It was fun from time to time.

“You know… Mia…” I curled a piece of hair around my finger and I could tell she was shivering from the slight temperature change in the room. “It’s not very… nice-” I hissed. “-to insult or really be mean to… Ghost Gijinka or Pokémon… because we take it very seriously… We like to… haunt people for the rest of their lives… even when we die and they are still alive… Did you know that?” I hissed, knowing it was a complete lie, but I just wanted to freak her out. I think I was even freaking Lux out with my very creepy smile that I was giving off.

“N-No, I-I didn’t k-know th-that…” Mia stuttered and I floated to in front of her and then made the light go black above our heads.

“That’s because you’re scared. You will leave this place… and the consequences if you stay… well…” I chuckled evilly. “I don’t know if you want to know,” I whispered in her ear and she screamed and ran out of the room, tripping over many items before she actually got out of the store. I cleared my throat and the room went back to normal, maybe a few lights flickering here and there. Lux just looked at me with wide eyes.

“What was that called?” Lux laughed a little and I smiled and sat beside him.

“It was Trick Room. I can disguise a room to my liking and once I’m done with using it, it goes away. I just used the store to my advantage, which wasn’t hard,” I laughed a little and Lux looked at me again and stared at the outfit on me. The Trick Room actually could’ve been worse but that wasn’t even close to worse…

“Now I could eat you up, Shupple,” Lux teased and for the second time, I slapped him and he just groaned and laughed this time around and I moved my bangs out of the way to laugh with him and then Lux’s face grew serious.

“Now we need the haircut.” Now I glared at him and that made him slightly nervous. “I mean, on your bangs and possibly dead ends, right, Ghosty? You need to show off those beautiful red eyes to your dog, now don’t cha?” Lux laughed and I narrowed my eyes and then a thought came to mind.

“Then what about your hair? You need a whole new outfit like I mentioned before, and a new hair style to go with the new you,” I told him and he whimpered a little.

“But I like my hair this way,” Lux whimpered and I laughed.

“If I get mine done, you get yours, but I think I know how to define yours more easily. Black streaks,” I told him simply and now he looked at me like I was more than crazy.

“No way,” Lux shook his head and crossed his arms like a little kid. “No way am I getting black streaks in my hair,” Lux said simply and I rolled my eyes.

“Then will you at least see what it looks like and then decide?” I asked and he pouted for a few more minutes, thinking, and then sighed.

“Okay, Ghosty. But we still need to have lunch,” Lux smiled and I laughed. Food? I guess that wouldn’t be too bad, now would it?

“Fine. We get our hair done and your outfit done before lunch then,” I told him and he pouted once again and I got up and went back into the dressing room, got out of the outfit and into my old, but wanting to change into my new one, I paid for it quickly with making Lux wait up front, I changed into my new outfit in the back and went back to Lux, who was waiting to go.

“Good or what?” I asked teasingly, but only slightly, and Lux laughed, grabbed my hand and we left the store and off towards another, which was only for Gijinkas and outfits for each kind of different type of Pokémon you were entwined with. It was actually pretty cool, but I liked this outfit better than the ones I saw up front in the new store.

“Now let’s go look around huh, blue kitty?” I teased and he poked my boob in response and I hit him hard in the arm, which made him rub it after we started walking through the store over to the Electric Type part of the store. Once we got over there, Lux immediately started to look through them, kind of interested and not, until I found this really cool top that was sleeveless and that had black and blue v-shaped on it with red and yellow going across the abs of the chest and yellow on the shoulders.

“Hey, Lux? What about this?” I asked and he turned to me from a black tank top section, which he had one in his hands and looked at the top and ran it through his hands and smiled.

“Totally! Now just to find pants!” Lux exclaimed and he went off and disappeared into the mess of clothes racks and I went over to accessories. He had to have some at least with his new outfit. I smiled as I found some small black and yellow belts that could go on his upper arms for each one and a matching pair, even though they weren’t the same thing, of a black, fingerless glove and a sliver band. I had to admit, these were actually pretty cool.

Finding Lux again near the pants section, he was going through some things lazily until I tapped him on the shoulder and showed the accessories to him.

“What are these?” Lux laughed and I frowned and his smile dropped.

“I just thought they would go with your new outfit. What do you think?” I asked with pursed lips, kind of nervous about what he thought and he slung the pants over his shoulder like he did the tank top and the top, and looked at the accessories.

“Needs something else though…” Lux pouted and I smiled a little.

“Then what else?” I asked and he thought about it.

“My neck has been kind of feeling lonely… Maybe a new collar?” His ears perked up in happiness and I couldn’t help but laugh and we headed over to the collar section and looked over a few. There was one that was black and had a small lightning bolt on it and I showed to Lux and he stuck out his tongue in disapproval. I frowned and showed some more to him and he shook his head. I swear, we went through every single collar until one was found in the back and Lux showed it to me this time with a smile. It was dark blue stripes on the top and bottom of the collar with light blue in the middle with yellow and dark blue circles in the middle going throughout the middle of the whole collar with a lightning bolt hanging off the little hook on it and I smiled.

“Cool,” I told Lux with a smile and once we started to head towards the changing rooms when we passed another belt section but this time, it was for pants.

“Maybe belts for your new pants?” I asked and Lux started to look through, not really finding anything he liked, but then found a blue one and black one that would slide across his hips easily.

“These two, definitely!” Lux smiled and ran off towards the dressing room and I couldn’t help but smile and sit down on a couch and wait for him. Surprisingly and ironically enough, I was sitting next to the shoe aisle and saw the only cool pair of shoes out of the ugly ones. Wouldn’t they have better shoes than all of this lime green ones and purple ones? The best ones I found were black and slightly like army boots.

I picked them up, seeing they were about a size eleven in men’s and went over to the door and put the shoes under the door like Lux did for me. I went back to where I was sitting and looked around the store, seeing it was packed, which was interesting. I didn’t think this place would be that interesting, would it? Well, maybe everybody just wanted new outfits for the festival besides kimonos… I liked mine, so I guess I could just wear this to the festival instead of a kimono or dress… It was pretty cute and cool anyways…

“Hey, Ghosty? What’cha think?” Lux asked with a smile and I looked up from my lap and being zoned and saw Lux and his hot outfit. I guess I could admit to myself that he did look kind of hot with that outfit on… Even with the magnet stuck to his hip on one of the belts.

I smiled and stood up.

“That’s just fantastic,” I smiled and went up to Lux and took his hand.

“You want to get them then?” I asked with a smile and he smiled and gave me thumbs up and I couldn’t help but laugh a little at that and so, Lux changed out of the clothing and we went and bought the clothes and then Lux decided he wanted to get into them and wear them and I just smiled and waited for him at the door. Once Lux came back with them on with glasses on and all accessories, we headed out onto the street.

“Now time for hair,” I told teased Lux and he groaned and I went over to the salon where I normally went to get my hair cut and Lux dragged his feet like he was off to be executed or something.

Once I got Lux into the salon, which was mostly empty, I got the hairdresser that usually cut my hair and waited for a short moment and sat down beside Lux. While we were sitting and waiting, Lux got bored and started to play with the new zippers on my top and I immediately slapped his face for it but he continued to zip and unzip the zippers just to tease me but just as I was about to give him my left hook again, Dust the Dusclops, my hairdresser, came around the corner and smiled.

“My, what a lovely pair you two are! This your new boyfriend, Shupple, my dear?” Dust asked me with his hands on his hips and I blushed slightly and shook my head.

“No. Actually, he’s just a really good friend of mine. I was hoping to get my bangs cut and my friend here, Lux, needs a slight haircut and some black dye in his hair,” I told Dust with a smile and Lux just stared at me constantly with the common glance at the window, as if wondering if he should escape. Nice, Lux.

“Well, let’s head on back and I can start on you immediately with your friend here, waiting,” Dust told me with a smile and I just nodded and smacked Lux’s head before I headed back and Dust started to work on my hair by washing it first and then snipping my bangs and I watched. I wasn’t used to showing my eyes at all but I guess it was better. Lux liked my eyes and so did Arc so I guess I didn’t really mind getting my bangs cut. Once he did the bangs with his usual bandaged hands that was part of his Gijinka self, he cut the dead ends of my hair, which was a short two inches, and then blow-dried my hair and once that was done and my hair was parted to my usual side, I looked over at Lux, who was looking out the window intently, looking at something.

“Lux?” I called and he jumped slightly in the act of my voice and stood up and continued to look at the window only slightly as he walked over and then put a smile on when he came over.

“So… What’s going to happen to my hair?” Lux whimpered a little to me and I just smirked, got up from the chair and Dust just smiled and brought him to the back to get his hair washed. After it did get washed with the slight pulling I could tell Dust was giving his hair to get some of the dead ends off of them, he brought Lux back to the chair and Lux continuing stare stayed on me instead of the window like it was.

“I’m going to have to at least take two inches of his hair to get all of the dead ends, deary,” Dust told me, even though Lux probably thought Dust was talking to him for a second or two, and started to snip his hair and Lux just calmed down and let it happen. At least he finally calmed down. Once Dust got the dye ready though, Lux looked at me then, like I had all of the information and he knew nothing for once. Weird but whatever.

“I guess three, thick strands up front, one on each side of his head by his ears and one in the middle of his bangs and maybe one under his hair in the back. What do you think?” I asked Dust and he thought and then nodded.

“That works. Does that work for you, Lux?” Dust asked Lux and Lux shrugged and Dust just smiled and continued to work on his hair and once the slips of foil was in his hair and he was stuck sitting beside me, I wondered if Lux was feeling like a girl.

“So is this was girls always go through?” Lux asked as he poked my boob again and I just rolled my eyes this time, ignoring what he did and I just nodded and Lux sighed exasperatedly and I just smirked a little.
An hour passed about maybe and that’s when Dust called Lux back to the sinks and washed his hair out again and got out the four sheets of foil from his hair and then took him back to the chair and dried it and cut it slightly afterwards and once he was done, I was surprised that I really liked it and now I just wanted Lux’s opinion.

“What do you think of your new hair, Lux?” I asked with a smile and he looked at himself many times in the mirror before he actually replied.

“It’s not that bad… It’s actually intriguing,” Lux smiled, showing off his intellect proudly and I just laughed and he got up and followed me to the counter, where we both paid for our hair and we left the salon and Lux sighed in relief.

“Finally got that over with,” Lux smiled and I just playfully hit him in the arm as we started to walk down the streets, which were now extremely busy and passed by a restaurant that I saw had a piano. Maybe I could show Lux one of my old talents… I hadn’t done it in a long time anyways… Almost four years…

“Food!” Lux was the first one to react to passing by the restaurant and I couldn’t help but smile and follow after him into the restaurant, which was completely busy and packed to the guillotine, so we had to sit down in the waiting area, which actually wasn’t that packed, and sat patiently with me occasionally poking Lux’s ear and then the man that was playing the piano took a break and I got up and Lux looked at me curiously.

“I want to show you something. Can you listen to me while we wait for a table?” I asked Lux and he just nodded curiously, eyeing me as I walked over to the piano and placed my fingers on the keys but didn’t play them. What did I remember of music? I guess that piece I played four years ago for Arc… Imitation Black, I think…

I started to play it slowly and Lux stood beside the piano, watching and listening through the piece I played and once he got called, he gave me a notice with a smile and I continued to play. As I played, I could’ve sworn I saw a flash of white but I wasn’t too sure. Maybe I was just imagining things…


I loved to hear her play, in any way of me hating but loving her. It was weird, seeing her with this cat. I could’ve sworn she was more attached to the dog than this blue cat but maybe I was wrong for once in my damn life. Made me jealous… mad… a reason to talk to the cat. But all I was really doing was getting a drink, not entirely proud of me for diving in a river after I left Shupple at that hospital, and just wanted the worries of shit in this hellhole to disappear… But I could never forget her… But I planned this whole time to kill her, but not in this moment. I needed more of a crowd than this…

I headed over to the bar in the restaurant, passing by the cat and Shupple quickly to see if they would notice me, but I really think the cat did because he slowly followed me over to the bar.

“One martini, straight up, two olives,” I told the bartender and he just went off as the cat came slowly by as Shupple continued to play. Good thing that she was distracted or else if she noticed me, she’d try to kill me. I didn’t want that until tomorrow. Not yet to see the blood on her.

“What do you want, cat?” I spat as I got the martini and the cat stared at me, looking me over like I was a disease. Couldn’t blame him. Guess I was in a way, in a matter of speaking.

“Keep the hell away from Shupple. Why the hell are you following her?” He spat and I rolled my eyes. Such dramatics.

“I have my many reasons. Too much in fact. She learned everything from me, yes, and I fell for her, but I have my reasons to follow her… kill her… tell her about her parents and the information she seeks and then she’ll die, just like that. Simple,” I shrugged and I wasn’t expecting to grab me by the shirt and I just smiled, the paint around my eyes glaring into him as I smiled in his face and he looked at me.

“You mess with her and I’ll rip you to shreds instead.” Such a weak grip. I forced myself out of his grip and sat back down in my own seat and downed the whole martini.

“You see, you don’t know the whole story between me and her. I taught her everything she knows, but I know more. I’ve learned very much about her story, her life, how to weaken her. She’s weak in general but… she could maybe stand a chance against me if we engage in a fight tomorrow night,” I shrugged and the cat continued to grow mad, a slight tinge of a tattoo rising up his arm. Ah, that experiment… “Basically, if she won’t tell you, I will, and I’ll tell you in short since I don’t have much time. Let’s just say, I met her when she was five and she was so full of spark and energy. I taught her how to stand up for herself, not let anybody get in her way. I got involved in Team Rocket and their experiments and she grew farther away once Tan-Tan got captured by us. I honestly didn’t care for the fool anyways. She got more distant from me and since my job was to capture her parents, I did. She hated me for it and scarred me for life that night on my face with those nasty claws of hers. She never really knew I loved her and wanted her to join but apparently, I was too bad for her,” I laughed and the cat just stared. “She is still a weakling. I don’t care what you are to her, but you’re next on my list,” I laughed as I stood and shook out my wet hair, filled still with the many toxins but didn’t smell as bad as it did earlier.

“She’s my girlfriend. She doesn’t love you, and that’s too obvious. She loves me and has admitted it,” he told me and my head whipped to him. I couldn’t kill him in the moment. That would be too much of a scene.

“And you don’t know her inside and out like I do. I know who she is. And she knows nothing of love. As if she’s ever felt it! Ha!” I laughed and some people looked at me weirdly but I ignored like usual. “But if you think you know, she will know what will happen. She knows about the fight that will ensue, as if it isn’t obvious. To love is to kill. And that is my only weakness. As if her hideous piano playing isn’t enough, she’s got that smile on her face like she enjoys it. She used to hate it, loathe it. She never really loved it unless I got involved. Who knows? Maybe all the tears in her body and the torn heart will destroy her. Or she will destroy me, but I highly doubt it. She wouldn’t be able to do it, to kill me. She’s too broken, as is a marionette doll, like she is, always searching for her owner, lost to the world. And to fix that is to love her and hate her at the same time. Too many feelings,” I spat and all the cat did was look at me. “She knows that I’m here and alive and well and watching her. I like to keep an eye on her to know what happens to her in the future. After all, a beautiful woman with taste like hers and in her Foresight, she’s an aspect in the Rocket world… but to end would be sad. My only question is to you… who do you think she is?” I finished my speech and walked off towards the door after slamming money on the bar counter and leaving here was the best thing.

But her music was too enchanting… I loved to hear her play.
Hopefully, this is the last time I do Shift but I wanted to do him this time so that he could talk to Lux. Some of what he talks is nonsense but I guess not all of it *shrugs* Worked on this for about... 5 hours? I think so lol XD

Anyways, here is the song link of what Shupple was playing.


She probably won't be playing for a while. I only wanted to really introduce that to Lux, and I really hope I got him right too, N-chan! :D If I didn't in some parts, please tell me and I will fix it! :D

Tell me what you think please! :D

