
So I umm know that many of us are dying from Shayde, Kitty, Kro, Val, and myself with our college studies and I assume that many of you high school kids are the same right now due to the fact that finals are coming so I apologize for my absence....

I officially finished TWO major projects because I have a huge presentation on Wednesday for my Exercise & Sports Science Major because I had to do in-depth research study that took me almost a month or so to complete. Along with that I had to do a intense project on sporting events and completed that on Tuesday. So I am half way there but next week I am *crosses her fingers* meeting with individuals with the Minnesota Twins pro team because of a baseball project I am doing with two guys for my sports class! Hopefully it goes well.

Other then that, I have a few papers and another few minor projects to finish.

My goal this week is to have Lux's post up, and yes it is half way done but I can say it surely isn't the best post you have ever read because I think I didn't put much thought into it....I don't know but Lux will be up this week for sure.

Anyway, I want to wish everyone the best of luck with school right now!!! I am so excited about graduating and summer!! :)
