

Remember when I held you back,
When you wanted to run ahead?
I knew you wouldn't make it,
so I taught you to use your head.

Remember when the skys were cloudy,
and I said the clouds were grey?
You showed me how to see the sun,
and make the sadness go away.

Remember when you were done
and said your heart was made of lead?
I said I was the crazy one,
so then that can't be true.

Remember when we first met?
How I cheated when I dealed?
You asked Why did you do that?
and from then our fates were sealed.

Remember when I was drowning
in the blood I felt was shed?
and you reached in groaning,
to tell me I'm not dead?

Remember when I supported you
in every way I knew?
Pulling away the clouds
and showing you the blue?

Remember when my cards were dealt
and fate said that I lost?
You said you'd help me through it
no matter what the cost.

Remember when you were scared?
and I had to be your shield?
I was battered but never cried,
'cause together we both healed.


Hey. I kno I havent worked on this page lately but I'm gonna start posting my poems. Starting with older ones and working my way up. I think I'll start with…3. I I am the Barren plain, And the ones you've slain...

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