Pokemon Black update

Just a couple new additions and evolved forms to mention.:>

New additions:

Sandslash lvl. 47~~~Nickname: None

Maractus lvl. 20~~~Nickname: None

Rotom lvl. 60~~~Nickname: None

Cubchoo lvl. 33~~~Nickname: None

Doduo lvl. 44~~~Nickname: None

(Can someone help me with nicknames?lol)


Deino ---> Zweilous lvl. 52

Litwick ---> Lampent lvl. 58

Fraxure ---> Haxorus lvl. 52


And that seems about it, all I'm really doing is leveling up my strongest right now to re-face the Elite 4. But I have tooons more Pokemon to level up and evolve.@.@ Ridiculous.lol

Anyways, tootles~

