Welcome to my third world of none other than....Pokemon! :D I will be posting pictures, updates on Pokemon stuffers and my favorite game as of right now: Pokemon Black :3 Enjoy~ ^^

When Nintendo worlds collide...

Rupee....heart....PIKA--- o-o oops...xD


Pokemon Facebook

For anyone who has a facebook and likes pokemon, I'm wondering if anyone would like to join a conversation on Facebook as a pokemon. You just have to change your name and picture and as soon as we're done, you can change it back.:3 no harm done.^^ Here's an example:

Now it doesn't have to be music..it can be anything.

Also I'll have a set date on when this will start off, so let me know which pokemon you'd like to be, ok? I hope I will get people to join.owo I've always wanted to do this.lol