Welcome to my world! Since this is my introduction I'll tell you a little about me. (First off, I LOVE cats).
Name: Meroko
Age: 16
Birthday: October 25, 1993
Favorite Genre of Anime: Shojo
What I want to do when I grow up: Write! I love it so much.
NOTE: I'm a Christian. So please respect that.

List of Anime/Manga (A/M) I've watched/read (alphabetical order, stars by favorties, ^ by ones I've finished):
A-C: Air (A), Alice Academy/Gauken Alice (A/M), Angelic Layer (A), Card Captor Sakura (A/M), Chobits (A), Clannad (A)*
D-E: Digimon (my first Anime), DN Angel (A/M)*,
F-H: Full Moon Wo Sagashite (A/M) *^, Fruits Basket (A/M)*, Gentleman's Alliance Cross (M)*, Haruhi Suzumiya (A) *^
I-M: Inuyasha (A), ION (M), Kaledio Star (A), Kamikaze Katiou Jeanne (A/M), Kimi Ni Todoke*, Kitchen Princess (M), Lucky Star (A) *^, Magic Knight Rayearth (A/M), Mamotte! Lollipop (M), Marmalade Boy (A), Mermaid Melody (A/M), Mink (M), Myself; Yourself (A)
N-R: Nyan Koi*, Ouran High School Host Club*^ (A), Peach Girl*^ (A)
S-Z: Sailor Moon (A), School Rumble (A), Special A (A) Spiral (A), Tokyo Mew Mew (A/M), True Tears (A) *^, Tsubasa (A/M) Ultra Maniac (A/M) *^, White Album*, Whisper of the Heart movie (A)*
Total Anime: 30 Total Manga: 17 Total Anime/Manga: 33

I'm not so ADD I'd stare at a blinking Christmas tree...cool that rhymed!

Hello all it's been awhile since I've posted....again...I know, I fail. If you want to reach me easier, I suggest email/IMing me on my yahoo [email protected]. I am more likely to respond there then on here, I just sadly don't have time for every place in one day.

Soooo anyhoo, I am currently using firefox. I used to diss it...but, I'm not so sure now. I like the spell check, although it's annoying when it doesn't reconize a word (just like Microsoft Word), and there are the little red lines...but Internet Explorer just crashes ALL THE TIME...so we'll see if Firefox does the same.

I started watching alot of new anime, to branch out a little. I was inspired by the convention, Anime Crossroads I went to, which was alot of fun! Anyway, I'm really liking White Album right now. It's newish and not too hyped, but I really enjoy it. It's a drama, with a bit more seriousness to it not neccasirly topic wise, but tone..if that makes sense.

Thanksgiving break starts tommorow! I will be heading to relatives late Wednesday, so I won't be able to be on constantly, but I will do my best to use the time as best as I can. No matter what I get early Wednesday, part of Saturday, and all of Sunday. And there won't be homework over the break far as I know, so that should help.

Sorry for any errors in this post...I'm writing this in a hurry before I get back to the mountainloud of work I had tonight. Sigh. Woe is me, eh?

About the title: I was taking a Bible quiz today, and while I was waiting for the teacher to get ready, this thought crossed through my mind. I was doing the thing where I talk to myself in my head when I'm nervous or something.

NEW MOON WAS AWESOME. The quality of film (color, effects, etc.), the acting, everything was better. Still little ehhh moments, but no movie can be perfect, and I loved it. I went at midnight, and we (me, Itsuma, kika, and her mom) almost got on the news cause we were first in line, but we weren't peppy cause we were cold. Team Jacob forever!

1. Internet Explorer, Firefox...or something else?
2. Thanksgiving break plans?
