Oz: Looking...AGAIN!!!

I stood up. "Which way did she go!" I said sternly. So unlike me. Matoko pointed up the river. Opposite direction where I came from...

I wandered a bit, clumsily walked in a swammp. Got bittin by bugs. Narrowly avoided a huge snake that walked to gut me and eat the shell. Almost got consumed by quick sand. Nothing big.
Then I came upon a huge tower. I talking huge! As in, can't see the top tower. The door was partly open so I was just going to walk right in when I heard Airi's voice. I stopped and eavesdropped outside the floor.
She was talking about her...eyes?

I sat down beside the wall and listened for a bit. Then she started talking about her family. How her dad just up and disappeared, and how her mom couldn't go on without him. I wanted to hear more about her little sister when I thought of who she could be talking to that she would tell all this stuff. I waited for another voice to sound. She wouldn't be talking to herself now would she?
