Oz-Why Hello Pandora Acadamy


A shiver went down my spine. How big was this school. This is even bigger than my last one and thats saying something.
Well here we are. Third day of school and im a bit early. I started attending on the third day because my parents forgot to pay the highly prices submittion to get me in. They're to busy to even send in a check. So now im late.

I walk through the doors and take everything in. It sort of resembles my house. With the big marble staircases and fancy little engravings. Oh did I mention my family is rich? A little too rich for my liking. For three reasons. (1) I always get what i want. (2) My parents always have to work to pay for all the expensive things they buy and (3) People always expect high expectations from me. WAY to high.
I was so busy staring at things i lost track of time. The bell rung and everyone started hustling. Someone pushed me against the wall and it took me a while to regain balance. Then i started running. Down the hall, take a left a right and uh...I started walking. Wheres my first classroom? Number 1003 but all im seeing are 903. I walked farther and rounded a corner and saw a guy and a girl.
"Whoa! Sorry if i was disturbing things!" I held up my hands and smiled.
