Yukina 5#


That girl named Matoko is really carefree. Her attitude was 'wow' and I was really surprised at how her controls all of us. I guess she really was born as a leader.

Oh, how I know her name? Well, it's from the conversation. I kept silent so I could know the name of each one of them without asking. Also that guy named Bason. He's kinda cool, in my opinion.

That girl named Airi, I thought she was shy but she was strangely cheerful. Well, people say, don't judge a book by it's cover.That girl named Misaki. She seemed to be smiling to herself once in a while. I wonder if the violin's heavy?

Just now, Matoko told us that we would be going to the 3rd floor. But in the end.. No! I don't want it to end! I'm not scared, but there's a rumour, that place that I want to see, so much..

"Ano, Minna-san!" I exclaimed. All of them looked at me. AH, I feel nervous..

"Um, sumimasen.. Demo, the end of the journey. There would be one place. This place has never been discovered, but it is always there. Sometimes you can see it, but sometimes you couldn't. It only appears when you have a strong... desire.." I said slowly.

I fell silent.


-sorry if the heights are different from stated, I couldn't imagine..
-If, it isn't detailed I'm sorry..
-If i was wrong sorry too okay?
-and the uniform, well, i just random designed it. It looked weird, huh?

