Airi: Exploring

Strange enough. After a half an hour of exploring, i was started to feel a bit relaxed. I wondered why? Maybe it was because i was exploring with a new found group. I never belonged to those. Whenever i would talk there would be long pauses at the end.
We hit another dead end. "How many rooms does this school have!" I yelled.
"Well it does have three stories and for all i know a basement. OOH maybe even an attic." Misaki said excitedly. I raised my eyebrows.
We went another route. Surprisingly there was a basement. All it had was more rooms that were locked. Maybe they would open sometime. We worked our way back up. We we finished exploring the second floor i was tired and slumbed on the floor. "Its just rooms, rooms and more friggin ROOMS!!!!" I said.
"On the bright side, it has some intresting stuff in it." the girl Matoko said.
"Did you see the art room! Its like graffiti world!" One said
"How bout the music room! I didn't even know their was an instrument like that!" Said another.
"This school is to big!" The last one said
I sighed. My mind suddenly remembered the like-janitors closet room where i had found myself on the first day of school. That room was locked when we tried to open it. But somehow i wondered if thats all it was. I mean a pitch dark room with nothing in it? Whatever I thought.
"To the third floor!" I shouted!
