If four worlds are too many i apologize... but my beloved land of Oz needs a Renaissance, in a matter of words. So, welcome, traveler from beyond the rainbow, welcome, to Oz...
(Oh, yeah, and read from the first post)

Enter: Chopyt

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"RUN!" Scraps' voice rang out amidst the soft forest. Chopyt, known to others as the Tinman, Emperor of the Winkies, stopped cleaning off his axe in time to catch the patchwork maiden.
"What? You want to play tag?" He smiled at her.
"No. Chopyt," Scraps' button-eyes showcased terror." Some...THING is coming!"
"SomeTHING is here!" Skare burst out of the treeline, followed by a multitude of man-sized playing-cards.
"Just like the flying monkeys," Chopyt muttered as he branded his axe. Skare quickly hopped into position behind him.
