This is where I'll put everything non-anime related. I will definitely put in short stories, possibly some poetry, and...maybe a chapter story. We'll see. Hope you enjoy!

Tidal Pools

Ehhh, just a little blurb. I'm not that crazy about it.

I’m overwhelmed by a sudden burst of joy. Freedom can do that to you. I grab a pad and pencil and bound down the stairs. Through the door, out into the sea breeze. The waves sing their lullaby as they slip up and down the rocks. The bird soar high above, their own pure joy bursting from their lungs. The wind whistles to itself, and the driftwood scratches out a beat. Scrtch-scrtch.

I pull my headphones out of my ears, shoving them in my sweatshirt pocket. I have better music to listen to.

It’s too cold to be out by the ocean in the middle of this deadpan winter. That’s what my mother always tells me. She hates the cold. I hate the cold. But all I have to do it look out at that shining ocean, that not even the impossible stretch of sky could break, and suddenly I’m not cold anymore.

It’s like this is my own personal world, created for me to create. Designed for me to design. There’s nothing here but me, the song of the beach, and everything that I can ever offer.

Sunlight spills around me in hues of red and gold as I lose myself in all the emotion bursting forth from only the smooth connection of the paper and the lead. It seems like time could go on forever. Just me and my imaginings. I don’t need anything else.
