Character Info...

Hirou Takehiko
A seventeen year old high school student who has gained fame within the Underground world for his cold and violent fighting demeanor; this behavior earned him the name “Blood Wolf” at the age of 13. Since then, he has led a secret life of a street fighter to protect and provide for his sister, Manami. Seemingly cold and always on his guard, he is very wary of the people he trusts. However, Hirou can be his true self whenever he is around Manami.

Abandoned as a child, Hirou didn’t know anything about surviving on his own. So he became an easy target for the people of the “Ghetto.” Day after day, he suffered sever beatings by local groups of kids, taking everything he had. One day Hirou was fed up with the beatings and decided to fight back. In a fit of rage, he went and found every group that picked on him and beat them all up, making them suffer just as badly as he did in one way or another. From then on, he was feared by not only the younger kids but the older ones too; Hirou had earned his respect within the Ghetto.
Sometime later, Hirou was trying to sleep one day when he was awakened by a crying sound. Annoyed he got up and went to find out who was crying and found a little girl curled up by herself behind a dumpster. Hirou approached her and began to try and tell her to be quiet but that only made her cry more. At first, he wanted to shut her up but felt deep sorrow for her as she continued to cry. It reminded him of when he was abandoned; so he went and comforted the crying girl until her mother came and found her. As Hirou was about to leave, the girl grabbed his arm and told him to come home with them. The girl’s mother was surprisingly agreeable with her daughter’s request; Hirou had now become part of a family.