Ayama Hitomi

Name: Ayama Hitomi
Age: 15
DOB: April 14, 1996
Marital status: Single
Gender: Female
Sexual status: Bisexual, claims to be straight
Soul count: 5
Soul job: Keeper
Personality: Energetic
Economic class: Middle
Back story:

Ayama was extremely fragile and sick as an infant. Her sickness kept getting worse and harder to cure, so he parents went to the local shrine. While there Ayama consumed for souls into her body by accident. It cured her sicknesses but she now how five different personalities and souls harboring in her body.

Now 15 years old, Ayama befriended Fumiko Nagumo and is jealous about her breast size and a bit attracted to her by one of the souls.

She and Fumiko were heading home from school one day and encountered an old man who claimed he needed help. They followed the man to his house and were bombarded by spirits. After the old man finally contained some of the spirits in a jar he explained that they had gotten loose. Some of the souls were harmless but others were extremely dangerous. He told them to collect all of the souls in the jar and bring them to hi after this was done. Ayama seemed less ditsy and was deemed soul keeper.

Made with Satsuki sprites ripped by Dazz on spriter-reasorce.com
