This WORLD features all official updates from our network. Anime Podcast VII - Ep. 18

Can't intro. Canada-China Women's Curling right now. Is intense. Also, Olympics in Vancouver is freakin' awesome. People complaining about the Olympics have some legitimate reasons, however the idiots who broke the windows of the downtown HBC have more or less killed all respect for them. So yeah. Also, we had Our Lady Peace live and for free.

Yeah, Batou was wrong.

Music - Love x Heaven by Ayako Kawasumi from Ladies Versus Butlers!

The following podcast may contain some coarse language that may offend some listeners. Discretion is advised.

For a link to Anime Pulse's World, go here.
For a link to The Watercooler World, go here.

And finally, you can find Ichigo's travel log over at the Anime Pulse website (under the "features" tab). He's gettin' some crazy adventures over there. Go read. Right after the podcast.

Obligatory Instructions:

There are two ways to keep up with this podcast. First, you can just visit us weekly and listen to it by clicking the "play" button in each podcast news post. Second, if you use iTunes, simply open it up and then click here. This will subscribe you. You can also click "Advanced" at the top, select "Subscribe to Podcast" and type in the following URL:

Once subscribed, you'll get each week's episode automatically delivered, whether you visit us or not.

So let's start! To listen to our podcast, click the play button above. You can also download the mp3 directly by clicking here.

Caption Battle: Playing With Your Food . . .

"It's that time again..."
"To nail the quad'?"
"To steal the end?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place, with something we can all appreciate: Kitty K.O.!

Sorry, Genie, but I had to use my third wish on this instead... you understand, right?

In second place with a more obvious than not try: cougarsama!

So this one time at EVA pilot camp . . .

And in the coveted first place, with something short, sweet, and that speaks for itself... Ace!


Lots of good attempts this week, guys. Keep it up!

This week's screencap comes courtesy of the ever-helpful Hisaishi and features the series School Rumble. The human is Mikoto, the giraffe is Pyotr (and I did not make that up). You know the rest:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. So good luck, and remember: here at theO, we believe in the power of you and I.

Caption Battle Special Event: March Member Madness!

It's not even close to that time again yet, but we need a bit of lead-in time. Next month, I have a dirty, evil, insidious plan for the caption battles:

Caption Battles: March Member Madness!

(Anomaly at Anime Evolution 2009 in Vancouver, BC)

I want to see you in the caption battles! Share your pictures from your convention meet-ups, get-togethers and let us pretend like we know what you're thinking or saying! It's going to be live-action caption battle all through March!

There are only a few guidelines I need you guys to follow:

1. Make sure everyone in the photo is okay with being used for this! If I'm even slightly iffy that someone is unhappy about being featured, I will drop the picture.

2. Everyone featured in the photo should be a member here at theO (background types don't matter).

3. Tell me who the members are and what event is going on (if it's a convention or other similar event) - most likely, I'm more interested in convention meet-up type pics anyway.

4. Make sure it's something to which we can actually write captions!

So yeah. If you think you have a hilarious photo with some folks that you wanna show off, then PM me with a link to it (an online hosting service is again ideal). Our top favourite pictures (including one very special one I'm saving for the end) shall be the ones over which our captions shall do battle.

So if we do indeed use your picture, what will you get? Well, nothing expensive, that's for sure - just street cred.

But street cred rules, so it's all good. Especially street cred from the March Member Madness!

Unless you want another Rozen Maiden month? Ahem.

So, who wants to play? Anime Podcast VII - Ep. 17

Ichigo totally hates Final Fantasy XIII. He also loves getting into high school girls. Also, bewbage. Ahem. Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year, everyone!

Music - Namida no Mukou by Stereopony from Gundam 00 Second Season

The following podcast may contain some coarse language that may offend some listeners. Discretion is advised.

For a link to Anime Pulse's World, go here.
For a link to The Watercooler World, go here.

And finally, you can find Ichigo's travel log over at the Anime Pulse website (under the "features" tab). He's gettin' some crazy adventures over there. Go read. Right after the podcast.

Obligatory Instructions:

There are two ways to keep up with this podcast. First, you can just visit us weekly and listen to it by clicking the "play" button in each podcast news post. Second, if you use iTunes, simply open it up and then click here. This will subscribe you. You can also click "Advanced" at the top, select "Subscribe to Podcast" and type in the following URL:

Once subscribed, you'll get each week's episode automatically delivered, whether you visit us or not.

So let's start! To listen to our podcast, click the play button above. You can also download the mp3 directly by clicking here.

Caption Battle: It Was Kinda Romantic At The Time...

"It's that time again..."
"To wish Gong Hei Fat Choy to everyone?"
"To force the girls to give boys chocolate?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place, with something to which we can all relate: imouto chan!

Sadly, this isn't the worst attempt of the Hare Hare Yukai I've seen.

In second place, because humour is best cooked blue: Grayfire!

...Little girl farts are the most dreaded kind...

And in the coveted first place, full of topical sass... cougarsama!

Guess all the FMA characters were Colts fans. Losers!

Well played, ladies and gents'. Also, congratulations New Orleans!

So this week, in a very special Valentine's Day caption battle, I cracked out my DVDs and personally screencapped the second most romantic moment of Neon Genesis Evangelion for your caption battling pleasure (third most romantic if you count the movie... but we won't, 'cause that's gross). Boy on the left is Shinji Ikari, girl on the right is Asuka Langley Sohryu. Keep away from anything too obvious, or I guarantee you'll get thwacked and disqualified faster than a speed skater with two false starts...

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. So good luck, and remember: the Canadian women are gonna kill everyone in hockey - bet on a different sport.