Silently, the portal of the WORLD closes behind you. You now appear to be in a lobby with painted purple, green, and white walls. You noticed a desk further ahead of you. A girl was sitting there, smiling.

"Is this the WORLD where Obscure Dream holds her contests?" You ask, walking up to her.

"Yep!" She says, shortly clearing her throat after ward.

"Welcome to my contest world! Every now and then I hold a contest. But now with school in play, I can not hold any until winter, spring, and/or summer breaks. Please check back later for one! Also-" She motioned her hand towards a rather large sign beside her desk. "-if you would like to see the last contest's winners, click here to view it."

Contest Two

Time for my second contest! This time it's a fan art, a fan comic, a fan fiction AND a coloring contest!

Who do you have to draw? My OC's Nate and/or Ace. =D Those of you who entered last month should be familiar with them. I also don't mind if you draw a fan comic of them. (If you want to do a fan comic, please read the fan fiction part.)

References of Nate can be found: here, here, and here (colored by Troublesum Shika). Character description can be found here.
References of Ace can be found: here (colored by Erstin314), here, and here. Character description can be found here.

Judging: I'm mostly judging on how well you capture their personality. Creativity is really loved. How well done it's drawn has a part in it, but not a huge part. =3

Can't draw? No problem! You can also write a fan fiction involving both Ace and Nate.

Summary of relationship: Nate, a rather cliché emo teen, befriends a teen named Ace by getting into a fight in the school public library. Ace, who used to be emo, helps Nate get out of depression, make friends, and get a girlfriend. Ace would be his first friend since grade school.

Genres I don't mind: Friendship, comedy, fantasy (lol), drama, and shounen ai/BL (though it probably wouldn't actually happen xD.)

References of Nate can be found: here, here, and here (colored by Troublesum Shika). Character description can be found here.
References of Ace can be found: here (colored by Erstin314), here, and here. Character description can be found here.

Judging: I'm mostly judging on the plot or the funniness if it's a comedy. I also side judge how detailed the descriptions are and how amazingly addicting to read it is. Not to mention how creative it is.

Not that confident in your writing or drawing? That's not a problem, either! I've got more line art for you to color. Of course, they're going to be Nate and Ace.

Requirements: The only requirements are that you have to keep their eye color the same. Every thing else you can go crazy with. XD (Nate's eye color is orange/light brown and Ace's eye color is blue.)

Here's Ace: Click.
Here's Nate: Click.

Judging: Like last time, I'm going to be mostly judging on color scheme and partially on how well you colored it.

Good luck!


(Please, no requests for mecha, porn, couples, and furries (tails & ears are OK))

First Place: First place can be won by someone in all three categories. Meaning, there's a first place for the drawing, the writing, and for the coloring categories.
That person or people shall win TWO regular arts of their OC or any anime/manga character. They will also win TWO chibi arts of their OC or any anime/manga character.

Second Place: Same as first place; there's second place for the drawing, the writing, and for the coloring categories.
That person or those people shall win one regular art and one chibi art of their OC or any anime/manga character.

Third Place: Three people could win this, too.
That person or those people shall win chibi art of their OC or any anime/manga character.

Prizes last updated: 09/07/08
