Wolfe Van Duke (Needs someone to draw him for i cannot draw men at all)

Age: ??? (appears to be ether 21 or 22)

Gender: male

Species: werewolf demon

Nationality: Russian

Homeland: Russia

Eyes: both eyes are a violet color, but when angered, sparing, or fighting agressivly the eyes are blood red. The pupils are slits like a cat. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8a0foNAiW1rp1w6do1_500.jpg (purple eye color)
Qq2tubclvihEW9R*p2Azr/redeyes.jpg (blood red eye color)

Skin color: light tan (or a slightly dark peach color)
http://www.dcf-online.com/images/colors2-lightTan.jpg (skin color)

Hair: white and short but is longer when he gets close to his demon form.
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120410001842/fairytailfanon/images/1/15/301px-Anime-guys-anime-guys-5756788-394-5.jpg or http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11100000/Alzeid-Hatenkou-yugii-anime-guys-11163714-710-402.jpg (short haircut)
http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/01042008/d/0/4/8/d04832f0af7480_full.png (long haircut)

pointed teeth, slightly pointed ears and hot face. http://animeplushies.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Soul-Plush.png (pointed teeth)
http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu5/MirrorxxrorriM/Anime%20Boys/Durarara-IzayaOrihara.jpg (hot face)
http://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/devil_survivor_2-03-keita-summoner-shounen-serious-pointy_ears.jpg (pointed ears)

Personality: fighting spirit, snaps easily if something goes wrong, can get mad easily but usually keeps his cool, he can be a sweet guy but only if he wants to, good friend to those he trusts, and sometimes keeps to himself.

Birthday: December 13th

Blood type: 0-

Likes: women, sparing, eating, videogames, and martial arts.

Dislikes: loud annoying people, being teased, blushing, cats, and people who cheat.

martial arts, training, painting, videogames, and singing.

Relationship status:

Demon form: a large white wolf with red eyes

Element: wind/fire

Fighting style: aggressive Fighting type: speed

Demon class: Power hunter
