So here we go. This space is dedicated to my ramblings about music. Obviously I will talk about some bands more than others, and I will complain sometimes too. But, what would you expect? There's some music I really like, and some I completely despise (like rap, pop, country). So just be prepared....or not...whatever...

Tales Of Symphonia or something

Alright, so I've been reading the manga version of the game, which I don't like too much because so much is left out...and it's reinforced in me my opinions on some of the pairings in the story. Why in the world does everyone think that Llyod and Colette should end up together? Sure, the game pretty much enforces that opinion, but Colette is LAME! She's too...goody-goody...I suppose...I don't like her all that much. I really would have rather had Lloyd and Sheena end up together. I always try to make it that way when I play it. Colette can end up with Zelos or something. Straighten him out, maybe. So...yeah. Lloyd and Sheena! Woot!
