Oi, I'm NinjaPride! My likes are ramen, running xc/track, drawing, and roleplaying/cosplaying. My dislikes are scary looking bugs (like a preying mantis! ), milk, and screaming/squealing girls. *eye twitches* My plans for the future??? I wanna be a mortician! Or...something else if that doesn't work out. And I also wanna be immortal! Bwahahahaaaa! *continues insane laughter*
*Ahem* Anywho my favorite anime of all time is Naruto! My favorite characters from it are Naruto (of course) , Kimimaru, Sasuke, Orochimaru, Shikamaru, Kabuto, and Kakashi-sensei.

Well, enjoy your stay at my site and lemme know what you think! Later!

The One and Only,

Key-chan's Goodbye

Looking back, I had some great times here on myotaku, but since the new [version vibrant] otaku came out many of my good friends here have disappeared. I miss them much and hope to maybe here from them again someday? Of course myotaku will have a special place in my heart, it did afterall play a big role in a chunk of my life. I hope all who continue to visit otaku and all who have yet to return to otaku are all doing well and are still being their goofy role-playing selves!
LOTS has happened in my life since the last time I was here, but rest assured I am doing well. Believe it! (^^)
But the time has come for me to take my leave and I couldn't leave without telling you all goodbye. Whether you're reading or not, I bid you farewell! *waves* *sniffle*


But...you know... it doesn't HAVE to be goodbye foreverrr. (^^') You COULD send me an email telling me who you are on otaku! Orr email me if you want to be myspace or facebook buddies? I also have an OpenDiary [opendiary.com] if you would like to continue following the life and times of me. I hope to see some emails from my dear friendss! [email protected] ALSO! If you play world of warcraft you'll find me on the server Quel'dorei as Misamisa (the draenei, huntard). (^^)

The One..
The Only,


So saddd....

*sigh* Key-chan is very sad right now.
I went through all my otaku friends to comment them all and see how they were doing, but.... they've all disappeared! No one's been on since last summer! .....Tis sad. So I guess I'll have to start over and make new friends? ...okay.
Here goes nothin'!

The One and Only,

Long time no see!

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! I haven't been on the otaku for almost a year now! I feel horrible neglecting it! But I have a perfectly good explanation! Eheheheh ^^'
Welllll....here it goes!
So After my boyfriend [Josh]...who soon became my fiance just before joining the army, left for basic training, I kinda shut down. I went from spending 24/7 with him to spending 24/7 alone. And it sucked. I thought I'd be okay while he was away for basic, but it turns out I learned how much I really needed him and how hard it was for me to be away from him. He learned the same lesson I did, mind you. So for 6 months I spent my days as a zombie....literally! ...okay....minus the craving for brains! Until he finally came home for christmas! Then I spent another month zombie-fied before the weekend of valentine's day. Which is when we got married! ^^' Shocked? Many ppl were! So now I'm living 8 hours from where I used to, near an army base, living the life of an army wife! An anime crazy army wife that is! hehe
All in all I hope everyone can forgive for neglecting MyOtaku.... and all of you of course.... plz forgive meh?

The One and Only,


Here's a video Josh put together. It's basically pics and video clips of him and his friends throughout our senior year and the summer before he left for basic. He left on tuesday last week. And I miss him so much it hurts and I can't sleep at night cause I worry about him in basic training. He called yesterday and he's having a hard time. I feel so bad for him. I wish I could steal him away and take him somewhere where nobody knows us (or will ever find us). We'll have no problems or worries. We'll sleep all day stay up all night. Not have to worry about making a living and stay young forever. And have halloween on christmas! And vise versa...


Polar Bear Held Hostage by Terroists ^^

Okay, so here's a video my boyfriend and his friends made as a prank to thier other friend Audrey on monday. I was there while they made it chowin down McDonalds! You probably won't understand it tho, but it's super funny. So if you wanna know the story behind it lemme know and I'll tell you it. Then you'll definatley see how funny it really is! The video is called 'polar bear held hostage by terrorists'! Enjoy!