
Amarie was about to call the meeting with her mate near her, giving her strength.

Suddenly Ed started to act very peculiar... He's hearing voices? Amarie looked around the room asking a silent plee with her eyes to everybody then looked back at Ed. She was scared for him. He had never acted like this before. Her heart started to thud hard against her chest, she touched his arm, hoping her brief embrace would give him some little normality to help him fight whatever was going on within him.

'Ed there is no voice... whats going on?' she asked trying to keep the panic from her voice. 'Please Ed... Please try and fight it' She felt the tears start to brim at the sides of her eyes, threatening to fall. She felt hopeless, being unable to stop whatever was happening to her Ed.

Suddenly as his body started to glow and he had let go of her hand, Amarie couldn't help the scared screech rip outta of her throat, she wanted to protect Ed


Ed's body glowed stronger, the force of the power that was coming out of him releasing a shock wave from his body. Amarie stumbled and fell a little to see her proffesor and Sessa shielding they're eyes from the bright light and nearly getting squashed by debris falling around them.

Amarie didn't think she just acted, with one swift fast movement she sprang over to Durant and Sessa, falling onto both of them and shielding them both with her strong body.

She squealed and screamed with every piece of Debris that fell on her or around her. Only just Pleeing to Ed, she had to force her words out that came out as a silent yet loud plee... around all the noise of the rubble falling around her, 'Please Ed.... STOP!!'

As suddenly as the whole scenario started was as quickly as it finished, the whooshing in her ears from the shock wave diminsished, along with it Ed's inner pure light and all of the turmoil that was spreading around them.

The only thing left in it's place was debris, and what was left of the hall, and two scared vampires and a freaked out Neko cat.

Amarie lifted herself up off of the other two carefully, looking around making sure everything was ok. Suddenly she saw Ed, laying on the floor. He was unconsious.

'ED!!' She screamed with worry as she ran straight to her man and kneeled down beside him. She turned him around, cradling his lolling head in her knee and arm. 'Ed please... what happened... please wake up' Her eyes poured with tears. as She watched the pale boy sleep off the turmoil that had just left him... Amarie watched him as she cradled him gently... something was new about him... something was new about his look to... but she couldn't put her finger on it....

What had happened to her Ed?

