Hello, everyone!

You have reached the rambling, the fangirling, and the general chill-pad of theOtaku's NightBeck, a.k.a Becky, a.k.a Crimson Lotus the Irish Ninja.

... okay, maybe not the last one. But people will be calling me that one day.

This is your place to chill, talk about life and fandom, and be generally crazy. So go on. Play nice, be good to each other, don't make me hurt you.

My favorite series: Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!

My writing: Cafe Cliche

Quick post before I go see Get Smart!

This just in: FUNimation saves small kittens from drowning.

Or, at the very least, saves a couple dozen anime titles from languishing in obscurity, which is almost as good!

For, you see, FUNi not only grabbed the most popular titles from the now defunct Geneon for North American release, including Shounen Onmyouji, Ergo Proxy, and Black Lagoon, but it also picked up quite a few former ADV titles, including the badass Le Chevalier d'Eon, for the same purpose.

In a word: eeeeeeee. :D
