Street Fighting With Flare Chapter 1

"Huh? Well, I guess we can train after school."
"That would be good if it didn't take away from doing your homework, how about every weekend?"
"Who cares about homework man, it'll take forever if I only train on the weekends" Kurt said disappointed.
"Oh, don't worry with what you'll be learning and with your attitude you'll be training everyday anyway, well we've done what we came to do here so let me take you home."
"Aw man, wait until Amber gets a load of this!"

When Kurt comes home and tells Amber she says that when she was on her way home she saw a guy with long blond hair wearing a red gi running to the park. Later on when Kurt heads for bed he wonders “was that guy going to the park…?” “Maybe it was” Kurt said finally drifting off to sleep.