Happy Memories!

OMG I swear I just LOVE to look back at the old days!
My old post, old drawings, comments, EVERYTHING!
I'm just getting such a warm feeling inside. ^__^
The old PGR was sooo much fun! (Not saying the current PGR isn't!!)
The participation was amazing. :D
Oh! And I actually forgot Lux was the culprit to Estelle's scar on her stomach XD

Oh man! I'm loving the feeling I'm getting right now. I'm getting all fired up!
I guess that's something called INSPIRATION!

My old art work, as disproportionate as they were (and still are..), gives me joy to look at. Like I was on a role back then XD

Ahh... those were the days..

External Image

(this one made me smile :D)
