Then there was one

So where does that leave us?

Faith, to many religious people is the same as trust when it comes to dealing with God. But since I don't believe in religion, that is not a template I can use. So I go by the soldier's faith.

Faith in the enemy to do as we've ask but don't trust them to do it.
So I can have faith in a persons skills, in their abilities, and their morals but not trust their intentions or trust whether they would do as I've asked.

I'm not big on semantics but for here, it's the only way to deal with this lack of stability.

Because of this, I do have trouble trusting people who may deserve that trust. I have faith in their skills, but no trust. Which is probably why 90% of my friends are either military or in the same field of research as me.

At this point, I can't really think much further on this since I've never had the type of childhood that would things like this. It is true that as the years go by, I am getting better at this; but I don't think it will completely go away.

I guess my question to y'all is, how do you feel about trust? How do you determine it?