Then there was one

Again, Nana will shed her usually self and talk seriously.

Some of y'all may be wondering why I haven't been on in a bit. Due to the nature of the reason, I am unable to go into it but since then I've been thinking about something I believe most of us have trouble with. Trust.

I've always had a rocky relationship with trust. Some people I trust a lot, others not at all. What makes it worse is the fact that I don't have any "criteria" as to determine a level of trust. Most times it goes on gut reactions. I've meet some people who I know outright that I can trust them implicitly. Then there are those who I wouldn't trust to pick their own nose. The thing is, I've never been wrong about either type. Now, that might be because they are reacting to my trust or distrust and trying to match it; but there really is no true way to know.

Last serious talk was about intimacy. And some of the same questions apply here. How does one define trust? How does one gage it? What changes it? Is it the same as faith?

By Webster's definition to trust is to place confidence. Confidence is faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way.

Vague if you ask me. But going of of this trust and faith are equal, but by the usual human semantics most of us treat them differently.

The way I see trust is mush like the original definition but without confidence having faith to define it. The people I trust I can tell them just about any secret (seeing as no one will ever tell all their secrets) and know that they will not only take me serious but not tell anyone else. As a soldier, I trust my battle buddy and I trust each other implicitly to keep each other alive. To me that one is the strongest trust; the trust of your life in someone else's hands.

So, if I were to use the information above, the best way to find a level of trust depends on the situation as well as the person. Much of the time, similar beliefs and outlooks help to determine.

Then there's faith. This one is even vaguer. Webster's definition is, a: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1): fidelity to one's promises (2): sincerity of intentions.

Right, okay.