The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Bob: This is so not fun.

Chad: Well, if you hadn’t gotten in trouble with that family in New York, the things might be different.

Bob: I thought she was a vampire.

Chad: Well, she wasn’t. And now I’m the only one who can host with you. We are also banned from the New York Conventions.

Bob: I think they just blew it out of proportion.

Chad: *sighs then looks at camera* I apologies folks. *Walks over to a group of Otaku* Excuse me, fellow Otaku?

Dude in FMA drag: Hey you’re the TV guys the flier talks about.

Chad: So why did you choose to come to this wedding?

Moe-tan cosplayer: We caught wind of the event while trolling 4chan. At first we thought is was some kind of joke, but then when ANN posted an article about it we knew we had to check it out.

Dude in Naruto drag: When we were getting our tickets, we found who was getting married. I actually know both from MyO, you know that Myspace for Otakus.

Dude in FMA drag: The yuri.

Dude in Naruto drag: Yeah, that too.

Moe-tan cosplayer: *is eyeing Bob fearfully* I just think it’s romantic. Two good friends who wish to spend their lives together.

Chad: *Cracks bob in throat causing him to collapse to the ground* Romantic, yes. Most marriages should be.

*The group walks away, the Moe-tan cosplayer moving faster than the other two*

Bob: *Takes a couple gasping breaths as he gives the Moe-tan cosplayer’s departure a suspicious look* It sucks that I have to wait for the DVD’s to be fansubbed.

Chad: *sighs and shakes his head* Do I need to blindfold you?

Bob: She looked 18

Chad: No, that was 15. Again, can you not drool at the cosplayers?

Bob: It’s involuntary, it’s hard to stop.

Chad: Next time you’re getting the blindfold

Bob: But how am I going to help host the show if I can’t see?