The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Chad: *Kicks bob, who is still on the floor* Next question: I heard you are wearing black, any particular style?

Jungy: Does ripped and shredded constitute as a style?

Chad: If I were to include the look with the wrapping, then I guess the style would work. Tux or dress?

Jungy: You’ll find that out at the ceremony

Bob: My, you two are secretive. *Is staggering to his feet*

Chad: *Kicks Bob’s crutch out from under him* Next question: Are you, the groom? Or do you also consider yourself a bride?

Jungy: I'm the second bride, but if you're looking at it from a dominance stand point...I'm what you call "the boy".

Bob: *Starts to giggle*

Chad: I got the gist of it from Ms Zakuro. Something about being rough.

Jungy: *Smiles cynically* Maybe, maybe not

Chad: *cough* What ever floats your boat, I guess

Bob: *Finally makes it to his feet* Can you marry me instead?

Jungy: No.

Chad: Good answer

Bob: *starts to sob*

Chad: Last question: Why Otaku style?

Jungy: Because we’re dweebs

Chad: Well, you don’t beat around the bush do you.

Jungy: *Laughs* Actually I beat a lot around the bush.

Chad: *sighs* I walked into that, I should know better by now.

Jungy: Speaking of dweebs, I’m finished here. Mind giving me a ride back to the center?

Bob: I’ll definitely give you a ride.

Chad: *tasers Bob into unconsciousness* Sure.

*Commercial Break*