Tohru's Good News

Kyo’s face fell, and Tohru’s fell with it. “Is it that bad?” she breathed. Kyo couldn’t bring himself to look at her, and instead fixed his gaze on the floor. “No, it should be amazing, but…Well, you know what I am. What if…what if the baby is like me? What if the baby is…cursed?” Tohru almost cried at his distressed voice, but pulled herself together with a deep breath and forced a smile back on her face. “Then we will love it even more. This is our baby, we’ll love it together, and that will be more than enough, Kyo. I’m sure that you will be an amazing father.”

“I…I’m not so sure about that. I mean, I don’t have any experience of good parenting. I know I’ll just mess it up,” Kyo sighed forlornly. Tohru rested her head against his chest, careful not to make him transform. “I can hear your heartbeat,” she murmured, “It’s proof of how human you are, and your ability to love. And that means that it shows that you will love this little person more than anybody else could, because they are our baby.” Kyo rested his hands on Tohru’s shoulders, pulling her closer without hugging her. “You’re right. And if it’s a member of the Juunishi, then…then we’ll just be a bit more careful. I’m sure it will be just like you; a kind, loving person.” Tohru chuckled, “Well if it is a kind, loving person then it will be more like you.” Kyo was about to argue when Momiji squealed about wanting pudding.

Kyo carried the desserts in behind Tohru and guided her down to her seat carefully, looking at her with something that was almost reverence. “So you finally told him then?” Haru asked happily. Tohru took Kyo’s hand as he nodded proudly, his eyes fixed on her stomach. “So you are pregnant then?” Yuki asked, somewhat gloomily. But Tohru ignored his tone and nodded cheerfully. “Rin will be glad to hear that!” announced an already very caring Uncle Haru.

After dessert, they all stayed at the table chatting happily about the baby and making plans. But when the moon was full in the sky, Yuki excused himself politely and slipped into his room. He couldn’t help thinking about how things could have turned out…but that was wrong. It wasn’t Tohru’s baby he wanted; it was Machi’s. Maybe this was his cue to talk to her about a more serious relationship.

That night, Kyo slid into bed next to Tohru, a grin still etched into his gentle features. “So…are you happy?” she asked, already certain of the answer. Kyo closed his eyes contentedly as he let his head fall onto the soft pillows. “More than happy; there aren’t enough positive words. This baby…will be the most cherished person that’s ever lived. We’ll love it and treat it right and we’ll do everything perfectly.” They turned off the lights and settled into bed more comfortably. But just as Tohru was on the edge of sleep, she could have sworn she heard Kyo whisper, “I never thought I would live such a lucky life. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you two…”