Tohru's Good News

Tohru stayed with Kyo until an inky gloom had filled the sky. “Tohruuu, I’m hungry!” Shigure’s pitiful wail floated up to the roof, making Tohru stand up quickly. Kyo gazed up at her, praying wistfully that she could stay with him, but when Shigure repeated himself, Tohru excused herself sadly. “I’ll see you at dinner, then?” she asked sadly. Kyo nodded, making an effort to smile for her sake, but it vanished instantly when she was out of sight. He fell back weakly, feeling unwelcome tears prick at his eyes.

Tohru sighed heavily as she slid down the ladder. She padded into the kitchen and prepared dinner; everything seemed slower now she was upset. She hadn’t gotten to tell Kyo her news…she was so certain that it would cheer him up. But the smell of ginger pork filtered through the house, cheering her slightly. She could tell Kyo later, and then they could share the happiness tonight.

“Shougoyaki…It smells good.” The familiarly dry voice made Tohru whip round, causing a dizzy fit. She swayed slightly until Hatsuharu’s firm hand on her forearm steadied her. “Thanks, Haru,” she laughed. “Momiji!” she cried happily, noticing him bounce in. “Tohru, Tohru, Tohru!” He beamed brightly as he flew over to her. He had sprouted upwards again recently, and his blonde hair flopped over his eyes as he bent towards her.

Tohru finished preparing the food and dished it up, Momiji constantly chattering away at her shoulder. Haru had drifted off to find Yuki, Shigure was supposedly working in his study, and Kyo was still on the roof. “Dinner,” Tohru yelled loudly, but when nobody appeared Momiji sprinted off to tell everyone. Tohru leaned on the counter smiling to herself, and her hand drifted almost unconsciously down to her stomach, cradling it gently.

“So what was your news?” Kyo’s quiet whisper made Tohru jump, and she had to clutch at him for support. “O-oh, you scared me!” she spluttered, still clinging to Kyo for strength. Kyo laughed, but Tohru could sense the sad undertone. “The news?” he prompted, but Momiji came bounding in followed by Yuki and Haru, Shigure trailing behind them. “Later,” Tohru promised quietly, handing out plates of food to everyone.

Dinner seemed to stretch out for an infinitely long time to Tohru. It sounded louder than usual, too. Everything just passed over her blankly, and she ate almost mechanically. She was gladder than usual at the end of the meal, and quickly cleared everyone’s plates away. “I’ll just wash up and then I’ll sort out pudding,” she promised as she pushed through the door into the kitchen. The water was already in the sink and she dumped the plates in, less carefully than usual. “Ouch!” she gasped as the water made her fingers sting, and quickly ran them under the cold tap. “Are you okay?” she crooned softly to the little person nestled in her.