So Hi.

Hey. since i made this i might as well introduce myself. *takes deep breath* i wont tell u muh "real" name cause im paranoid leik that i have an annoying little brother, lived in Florida, Costa Rica, and the U.S. Virgin islands (dont laugh...I'm serious)My best friends account is kadeeinuyasha i love muffins and will do/say random stuff. And yes i do have problems. My parents think i cut I have brown-blond hair and an oval face, My spanish teacher thinks i'm anarexic when i dont look leik a stick and have a figure i'm a vegetarian and i love california rolls and Vegetable Tempura i take spanish class but cant speak it to save my life. I h8 feeling powerless, i have a deep hatred of all humanity and if it were up to me all humans would be wiped by use of a desease so the animals and planet would be safe. Ppl i kno think im emoand when i was younger i wouldnt talk i'd meow mroww. I growl when i'm annoyed without relizing it and my eyes turn copper when i get really mad leik when my dads eyes turn red when hes real mad. i dont get mad easy tho. A 1st grader thinks i'm his girlfriend and i don't leik ppl. *face is turning blu and no sound is coming out* K: Breathe Damnit! Me:*takes another deep breath* I am stuck surrounded by idiots and i have a post high school level of education but still need 2 pass school. I am currently 14 years of age and a Wiccan. oh ya...and this is muh bestest friend Kadee1 muh other friend is on here 2. Her names Chi ninja but we call her Chi san. I write poetry and stories...which i might post but i'm afraid ppl will ignore the copyrite...i'll just have to see.

Gotta get off now!!!
Buh Bye!!!
