The Broken Window
I sit here by the window,
Staring out the broken pane,
Kids walk by, about my age,
They see me and whisper.
They shout rude things.
One picks up a stone and throws it,
It hits the wall to my right and bounces harmlessly into the dry grass.

I look at the stone 'till my vision blurs,
And in front of me is a girl.
Her eyes show sadness,
From more years than her face reveals.
Her shoulders sag from unseen burden,
And her skin is losing luster.
Her lips are pursed from unknown years, of watching her students fail.
Permanent trails run down her cheeks, from far too many tears for others.
Darkness rings her eyes,
From too many nights spent up, Crying, Hoping, Waiting, Worrying.

The sky above her head is red,
From all the blood she's felt, feels, will feel shed
And the grass beneath her feet is dry,
From all she feels her mother feel.

I try to reach out, to help, to comfort, to tell her its okay,
But my hand hits broken glass,
Rose blood drips,
Alas, it was only a reflection.


Does anyone know wat to do when ur filesize is too big? ...

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Garage Sale Day 1

So today was the first day of the garage sale, mostly old ppl and spanish ppl. They thought i couldnt understand them but with my living in central america i could get what they were saying, kinda. Anyways, it was real slow until my half aunt came...

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YAY! ALL HAIL TOKIO HOTEL!!! Especially bill...

So its about time this happened, i mean, a collage of a hot emo kid, whoop whoop! Anyways, Tokio Hotel is AWSOME, they made me start learning german(yes, they forced me to, if i didnt they'd become druggies and murdur me in my sleep). Anyway...

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Birthday gifts

This was my fifteenth birthday. So my aunt was sick, my dad was in Costa Rica, my mom in Mexico, and i was stuck with my brother but hey, thats life fer ya. I had my partyishthing the next day and got a NEW-key word-NEW IPOD CLASSIC! N...

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So yeah, i havent posted in awhile(hey, i've been busy) but i'll try to post more often now. My birthday is coming up! my family just reminded me its coming in liek 2 days...dec 2nd~ Just a little celebratory stuffus. ...i wanna muffi...

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