29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Here's a riddle I thought of. :U The wording is kind of odd, but yeah. Give it a go, if you like. :d

I prefer to travel by air, so it would seem I have far too many legs than necessary. What am I?

Character Dilemma, I suppose

Mood: Grumpy ish but not totally.

I thought of this new character who would appear in OFAV. But it's another guy, so I'm considering scrapping him. He would be Jo's later boyfriend-thing, but it's weird because he used to be with Gabe who is Jo's brother. (Not really as a couple, but a kind of fwb kind of thing. Which is odd to me.................... That kind of thing is normal for Gabe, though.)

He's also kind of (very) girly, and I'm getting kind of annoyed with how many girly male characters I have. Not that I have a problem with girly guys (which I guess is apparent because so many of my guy characters are slightly feminine), but there's just an offset in balance. :T At least, I feel like I have a lot of girly guy characters. Pretty sure I do... Maybe I only draw the girly ones for some reason. xD; Actually, I think it's not that I have a lot of girly male characters, I just don't have many extremely masculine male characters. I think Zack is one of the more masculine guy characters I draw... And Gabe is kind of muscle-y and has a beard, so I guess he's kind of masculine. :m

Physical appearances don't really determine masculinity, though...


So what was I talking about in the first place... oh yeah, the new character. I kind of don't want to scrap him though, because there's only one straight couple in OFAV at the moment, and as said earlier, I like to have things be balanced... I'll post a picture of him sometime, talk about him some more, then let you guys decide. :D SOUND LIKE A PLAN, STAN?


I'm getting distracted from my homework. I should get back to that. :d


Mood: Just the slightest bit peeved
Currently working on: Nothing, but I will be drawing stuff I hope...
Recently added: -nibster- TM commission, Eeljinka

But what I was actually going to says is I'll be at my grandma's during Thanksgiving break. I'll still have internet access and stuff, though.
I really want to draw, but I also want to practice violin and do my homework. I don't know how much time I'll have with just 2 extra days for the weekend. :T Meh.
Thanksgiving break never seems like much of a break to me.

OKAY, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :) Have fun, eat lots, be nice to your family, and respect everyone!
Such random parting words....

Naaa na na naaaa na na...

Mood: Rather unenthused
Currently working on: Yeah, about that....
Recently Added: Pattern Krowne, Kiel Kyoko (TinierMe Commission)

Sorry for the lack of activity. D: I've been TERRIBLY LAZY.... Ugh. I'm not as energetic as I used to be back in the day of MIDDLE SCHOOL.... ;3;
I MEAN, LOOK AT THIS ENERGY!!! Oh my gosh, I even did these little role-plays as Roy, Marth, Ike, and Pit!!! ;A; THAT'S SO FUN! I should do that again sometime...
AND LOOK! Here's the first time I talked about the Rock Band characters! [click] ;3;
Waaah. Why can't I be so freakishly energetic anymorreeeeeE????? DDDDD:
In memory of my 8th grade self, I will be energetic for the rest of this post.

HEY GUYS! YEAH! WOOOYEAH. I got my grades for the 1st quarter of the school year. 8D Yay. They were really good, actually. :DDDDD I was surprised. ALL A'S AND ONE A-!
8D That's what I got as my final marks for last year, so this year is already starting out better academically. :> Yay. And it's junior year, so this is important and stuff. I guess. :M School is still sucking up all my free time. Dx Bah. BUT OH WELL! I actually had the whole weekend to draw, but I was extremely unenthusiastic last weekend and didn't feel like doing anything. D: Hopefully now that I've looked through some old entries and reminded me of how energetic I used to be, I'll GET PUMPED AND DRAW SOME ART! 8D

I have nothing to work on, though. ;A; WHYYY???? I have a lot of sketches from summer that I could finish, but I don't really want to ink them. xD; Haha...

Actually, I was looking at my Rock Band: Something Impossible comic that I havn't updated in FOREVER, and felt like finishing the next page. :,D So maybe I'll do that!
It will be done. ANTICIPATE IT! Oh yeah, and I need to work on commissions... :I Eh..

Does it sound energetic? Not really... Ahaha. xD; I'm sorry, I have no entusiasm anymore. ;~;
But I'll end this with

Recorded Character Rant!

Mood: Blublulkbjl. I can't talk anymore.

I decided to record myself talking about my characters while my dad and sis were at lessons. :D I... don't think I actually sound like this, by the way. Slightly different...

As a fair warning, this is half an hour long.


I was going to make a little slideshow thing with a picture of the character I talked about, but I couldn't get windows movie maker to work properly. Dx

ENJOY.... STUFF. This is so strange.
I also said "random" a lot, which is odd.