
Currently working on: ...I'd rather not say...

Um... Hello... ^^;

Person reading ths: Psst! Read the script!!!

Oh. Right... *Takes out script* Um. "Akioh is bored today, so she feels like role-playing as Ike." That's me. :] Um... I guess I'll just tell you all the exciting things she had done yesterday...

  • Slept
  • drew
  • went shopping
  • watched speed racer

Yes. Indeed. I... suppose I can talk about myself for the remainder of this post... ^^;

Um... I guess I'm a bit weird, based on the odd personality that Akioh gave me. ._.; I assume she tried to portray me as "manly", but I turned out more... fatherly. :] Especially towards Pit, because he is my son after all.

Person reading this: What? Son? O_o

Er... um... yeah. Son. Or a caretaker, I suppose. ^^; Pit's father entrusted me with the responsibility of watching over his son while he undergoes his studies on Earth. :]
AAARRGHH!! WHAT THE HECK, AKIOH??! Don't you realize that I ACT NOTHING LIKE I HAVE IN THIS POST??? In the game I'm all MANLY and stuff, not "Oh, indeed, prissy prissy prissy. :]" D:< Rrrgh... you make me act like Rafiel or something. >.< It's ANNOYING ME LIKE CRAZY!!!
Ehe. I got a little out of character there. ^^; Excuse me as I go sulk in the corner about how off my personality is compared to who I really am...
