Everyone enter into the world where all are welcome. This will become a place of thoughts, stories, and who knows what else...


ALLRIGHT! I WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE UNIVERSITY OF MY CHOICE! And offered a $3000 scholarship :D How cool is that? I swear, I called up my mom and she was thrilled and then when talking with my brother he was all, you're such a princess, you can't even pay for university yourself... And so I responded that if he had been contributing to household maintenance like me then he wouldn't be able to either (not that he could anyways). But I digress...
HOLY JELLYFISH! Who would have thought that I was smart enough for such a scholarship! Now I have to figure out what to do... French teaching or social sciences... I love them both? Double major?

On a side note, yesterday in bio was very cool, we talked about ATP and how it is the meaning of life. Because without it you would die! Seriously! Today in bio though there was a scary monster cell on the board... it was so intimidating! A HUGE MITOCHONDRION with ATP and enzymes and oh the horror and wonder! I love understanding things :D
At any rate I will let you go!

P.S. The song that was playing was a song partly done in French you may know it as...
