Everyone enter into the world where all are welcome. This will become a place of thoughts, stories, and who knows what else...

Day 16

16. A manga that isn’t licensed but SHOULD be. EDIT: A manga you feel you should read but can't

I'm going with the edit question today... so the manga I feel I should be able to read but can't would have to be Mushishi.

It doesn't make sense. It is a wonderful story and beautiful artwork... but after watching the anime I can not seem to read the manga. I don't know why :(
For those of you who don't know Mushishi it is about a man named Ginko travelling around and helping people who have had trouble dealing with Mushi. Mushi kind of remind me of bugs, but they do not exist on this plane of living, likewise they do not exist with the plane of the dead. And... well better not spoil to much :)
Later Otakus!
