Everyone enter into the world where all are welcome. This will become a place of thoughts, stories, and who knows what else...

Day 05

05. A manga you would recommend to everyone

This is a tough one because I love so many manga series...
I think I would have to go with my favourite shoujo manga... Which is...

Now for all the boys out there thinking... a shoujo? Seriously? I must say that I know many boys who enjoy this series as well as girls! So give it a shot! Bit of a spoiler alert if you already know nothing about the series but I already knew it when I started reading it so you have the option to read below or not to ;)

The story revolves Tohru Honda and the mysterious Sohma family. You see, she discovers the Sohma family secret, if a member falls under stress, is sick, or is hugged by a member of the opposite sex... They turn into the animals of the Zodiac! And that's all I'm going to say...
