Everyone enter into the world where all are welcome. This will become a place of thoughts, stories, and who knows what else...

Day 18

18. Favorite BL/yuri couple
To be quite honest, I don't know what BL means... so Yuri it will have to be. After much deliberation... I suppose... the only yuri couple I can think of... Would have to be Sailor Neptune/Uranus.

Unoriginal I know, but that is how it is :D
As a side note, exams are coming over the next week and I promise I will be posting more stuff!! Especially for itachisasuke!! Can't think of anything else to say so..
P.S. For those who haven't seen Sailor Moon and may not believe Uranus is a girl when you see the boyish pictures of her... she is a girl ;)

Day 17

17. A manga that you feel embarrassed about liking
This is hard because I am not embarrassed about liking manga generally... after much thought and deliberation... or trying to think about a manga I wouldn't tell people I enjoy... it would have to be Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01...

Really it was just another story revolving around Tai... but I always found Digimon stuff to be mostly enjoyable... although I suppose this was a bit of a spin-off from the original... I think... I suppose that would have to be a bit embarassing? Liking a spin-off? I dunno. Go read it and tell me if I should be embarassed or not.

Day 16

16. A manga that isn’t licensed but SHOULD be. EDIT: A manga you feel you should read but can't

I'm going with the edit question today... so the manga I feel I should be able to read but can't would have to be Mushishi.

It doesn't make sense. It is a wonderful story and beautiful artwork... but after watching the anime I can not seem to read the manga. I don't know why :(
For those of you who don't know Mushishi it is about a man named Ginko travelling around and helping people who have had trouble dealing with Mushi. Mushi kind of remind me of bugs, but they do not exist on this plane of living, likewise they do not exist with the plane of the dead. And... well better not spoil to much :)
Later Otakus!

Day 15

Alright half-way through!!!! Itachisasuke watch out cuz' I'm catching up to you!

15. The saddest scene
Wow so I've been debating how lame I want to be... I have a couple super sad scenes. Although two of them have come from some manga and anime that have already been discussed... so I guess then... I would have to say in Code Geass where Lelouch is shot by Suzaku who is parading as Zero!!

Since I've already used Sailor Moon, Natsume, and I even believe Naruto... or have I used Naruto yet? Anyways this scene is pretty tragic too. I was watching this anime with my mom and we were just like
So for those who don't know... Code Geass was written by CLAMP... However I would suggest watching the anime as opposed to reading the manga. I know this seems weird, but I wasn't as drawn to the manga as the anime.
Basically the plot in a nutshell is this kid who is son of the emperor Lelouch vi. Britannia and his sister have to escape from the psychotic father's palace and Lelouch is wanting revenge for the death of his mother when he one day meets C.C. and he gains the power of Geass which I won't spoil for those who haven't seen it yet... Mind you, if you read the blocked out part, that would have ruined it for you :P However it is worth the watch so go, watch it kiddies!

Day 14

14. A manga that makes you cry. EDIT: A manga you never really liked

Since no manga has ever made me cry I will have to use the edit question... Since I've already used the obvious Wallflower, I have to stop and think... maybe if I look back to manga I never finished...
Aha!! Dragon Who!

This is taken directly from mangareader.net "Roa Coatl is on a mission. He must find the descendant of Quetzalcoatl to make her his wife and continue his great race of dragons. However, with no knowledge about love and having no interest in women, will he be able to accomplish his task in human world?"
I thought it would be interesting, I thought I would like it... but I could barely get past the first three chapters... But you might be able to, go give it a shot.