Hey people, its mewmewlover55, well now MewMew, from myotaku.com :)

A little bit about myself :D

Name: Rachel

  • Birthday: 1/1/92
  • Age: 22
  • Likes: drawing, anime, boys ^_~, photoshop, copic markers, playing the flute and piano, spanish, biology, snow, ice cream
  • Dislikes: ART THEIVES (u ppl suck lol), obnoxious people, my chemistry class, my little brother, pizza, bad grades, dead copic markers lol

I hope that you guys check out my gallery, i try to draw and update as much as i can
For most of my art i use copic sketch markers, or prisma colored pencils, sometimes i use photoshop but i suck at it lmao.
If u guys like my art i hope you subscribe me, i love making new friends :)


If you wana talk to me pm me or sumthin

Other accounts of mine:
sheezyart Heavenstar (innactive ^^')
deviantart Shunshuu-tsunami

happy friday

I have never been so happy for friday before ;__; i thought i would have some time during the week to do drawings for art trades and requests on dA, and that tsubasa contest here on theO, BUT I DIDN'T FFFFFML.

Lets see mah hw for this weekend

Drawing 2- have several sketches done for massive project due monday
Design 2- make a sketchbook, have 2 wire projects done for tuesday
Comp 2- have a 1.5 pg essay due for friday (done) read chapters 1, 4, 24 of a book >>, read chapter 1 of another book D8
Art of Western world 2- i dont know o_O i should find that out
Philosophy- read 3 theban plays for monday ( i think)
Band- know two pieces of music for seating on monday.



First day of classes in semester two begins today. I just got back from my drawing 2 class. I wasn't expecting her to give us work to do o___o we ended up having to go to the library and research migration through inorganic things @.e or something, so i printed off a few things. We then experimented with charcoal to come up with an idea. so that's our first project. she just wants to get it done with so we can go and draw from the model :D i'm so excited for that :D

I had a horrible sleep last night. I wanted to go and hang out with my friends. they were watching a movie, but the ended up staying out late till like 1 am... i needed to wake up early cuz my class was at 8:20 am XD so i didnt go out. i went to bed around 11:40 pm... woke up at 4:00 am and couldn't go back to sleep @__@ that was annoying... so now i'm tired @_@ lololol


I have band around 3:40 and then philosophy after it at 6:00... so yay... D8

have a great day peoples



Hey people,

back in school... and it feels so weird but so awesome. my dad just left. it was such a hassle to get everything settled in @__@ but it's done. thank you god @_@ *shot*

i have to order my txt books.. might be a good ideaa



6 am fml

So, I'm chillin in chat with Beth, SRV and Debbie. I want to go to sleep, i cant, nervous excited jitters about going back to school.... GAHHHHHHHHHHHH i have to be up in like 2 hours .... and i haven't slept @_@ kill mehh

i kinda want to watch some FMA.... a;ldfksj but i feel too tired to watch it.. omfg.. *asplodes*


I FOUND THE FREAKING ADDRESS THAT I NEEDED TO MAIL MY BOOKS. omg the website was so confusing, they should've had it at the bottom of the page, LIKE EVERY OTHER WEBSITE DOES *dies*

one more day till i go back to school. 8D i think i should probably start packing all of my stuff tonight. or start packing o-o;;; my mom is gonna be all up in my face about it xDDD lol

i got my syllabus from my philosophy teacher, and she sounds like a b!atch xD... good thing is, we're reading oedipus :D i read that in like the 10th grade, sweet deal 8D.

so yeah, i hope everyone is doing well... I NEED SOME MOTIVATION TO DRAW 5 PICTURES BY THE END OF FRIDAY... FFFFFMLLL *cries*
